Sync workouts to Vivoactive 5


I have a Garmin Vivoactive 5 watch.
It's connected fine with the Garmin Connect app.
However, i have activities logged from other devices (Bike computer - Hammerhead karoo 2, and Wahoo Kickr Core) on Garmin connect as well. 

Is there any way to make those activities visible on my Watch as well. If it's logged in Garmin Connect i should be able to sync them with the watch, right? 

It's annoying the watch is not calculating those workouts into my fitness.

  • Activities don't sync from Connect to your watch, although training data which is gathered from other Garmin devices like training load/status is synced to your watch via the Physio Trueup feature. Unfortunately this feature doesn't work with non-Garmin devices.

    In case you're curious, there are certain 3rd party apps that will contribute to Training Status.

    Do Activities Recorded With Other Apps Count Towards Training Status?

    Qualifying activities from the following apps can contribute towards your Training Status:

    • Tacx TrainingTm App

      • Tacx apps are not third-party as they are part of the Garmin ecosystem.

    • Zwift

    • TrainerRoad

    • ROUVY