Google maps are not showing POI's anymore in Garmin Connect (Web and mobile)

For several weeks now, Google Maps no longer shows POIs in Garmin connect. So no restaurants or supermarkets on the route. I have searched everywhere in the settings, both in Garmin Connect and in Google Maps (on itself, where these are visible), but I cannot find a solution to the problem. Who can help me?

  • LOL I assumes that they wanted too see the poi's so they could then plan based around them, They could be used as markers, "After the  Thai takeaway we need to look for a left turn"  that kind of thing.... 

    Yeah that makes sense too.

    Clearly my imaginary use case of looking at the map post-activity is the dumbest possible explanation for needing to see any type of POI lmao.

    It def makes more sense for route planning, either for picking landmarks or destinations. But again that only validates OP’s desire to see restaurants on the map imo.

     I prefer Bascamp on my laptop. And Oruxmaps on my tablet and phone..

    Yeah that’s totally valid. I just meant that - as I’ve said before re the Connect website home page fiasco - most non-techie ppl I know (which is most people I know) would go to any lengths to avoid using a computer (or a website) for this kind of thing. Most people want to use an app on their phone.

    Also, if ppl want to share a route, they might just use a non-Garmin app. (Like mapmyrun, which allows you to share routes with ppl who don’t have an account. EDIT: this is possible with Connect actually, but I’ve never had anyone share a route with me via Connect for any reason, especially not a public group run. I think it probably has something to do with the relative ease of use of Garmin apps vs apps from other companies, as well as marketing.)

  • "Most people want to use an app on their phone."   I avoid planning on a phone when pos...   It is just not awkward...   But I do get the point...