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Google maps are not showing POI's anymore in Garmin Connect (Web and mobile)

For several weeks now, Google Maps no longer shows POIs in Garmin connect. So no restaurants or supermarkets on the route. I have searched everywhere in the settings, both in Garmin Connect and in Google Maps (on itself, where these are visible), but I cannot find a solution to the problem. Who can help me?

  • I do not think POIs ever appeared on the maps used in GC web, with the exception of sport-related objects, such as gyms, sport stores, stadium, etc. At least I do not remember ever seing any other POIs on the maps of GC.

    If you want to see restaurants, use directly Google Maps, not Garmin Connect instead.

  • I use it all the time in Connect. My husband still has the poi's and my friends also. 

  • Can you show us screenshots comparing how it looks for you and how it looks for your husband?

  • It does show things such as churches, parks, health care centres etc and still does, It did also use too show restaurants and supermarkets. Which now seems too be missing...

  • TL;DR try switching your map provider on the website or mobile app by clicking/tapping the “layers” icon, which looks like this: 

    On the website, the HERE provider shows restaurants.

    On iOS, either Apple Maps or Google Maps is available - both will show restaurants, but Apple Maps will show more POIs.

    It does show things such as churches, parks, health care centres etc and still does, It did also use too show restaurants and supermarkets. Which now seems too be missing...

    I see restaurants and supermarkets on the Connect mobile app, not the website (when Google Maps is selected as the map provider.) Both the app and website show certain other POIs like businesses, schools, places of worship, etc. (Ofc, certain POIs will only appear at a certain zoom level.)

    There’s definitely no “sports-related POI filtering” happening here. (One could argue that a casual runner or cyclist would care a lot more about restaurants on their route as opposed to stadiums. I’ve run to a restaurant before, but never to a stadium.)

    On the website, I can switch the map provider to HERE in order to see many more POIs, including restaurants. I can’t explain why the Connect website doesn’t show restaurants in the Google Maps view (unless this is a deliberate decision by Garmin), but at least that workaround exists. If you’re on iPhone, the mobile app gives you the option between Google Maps and Apple Maps. Although Google Maps in the Connect mobile app does give me a decent number of restaurants (and other) POIs, Apple Maps give me even more.

  • Oddly I get as stated at all zoom levels even on mobile app... Wonder why some will see different things ???   As too the ". (One could argue that a casual runner or cyclist would care a lot more about restaurants on their route as opposed to stadiums. I’ve run to a restaurant before, but never to a stadium.)"   Don't personal see the relevance given some will actual plan to do a walk/hike that may finish at a restaurant etc...

  • (One could argue that a casual runner or cyclist would care a lot more about restaurants on their route as opposed to stadiums. I’ve run to a restaurant before, but never to a stadium.)"   Don't personal see the relevance given some will actual plan to do a walk/hike that may finish at a restaurant etc...

    Yeah that’s true. I just don’t see why anyone would assume that Garmin purposely only shows “sports-related” POIs either.

    I think if anyone wants to see POIs on their route after a run, it would make sense to show all types of POIs (or the default types) if possible, whether the user wants to see them out of curiosity, or the user wants to use the POIs to plan the next route. Or maybe they just want to jog their memory by seeing a landmark on the map that they remember from their run. 

  • Agreed but as we know everyone is different as are their needs and so on... I only replied originally to confirm the issue...   Personally I don't really use connect for routes. As I find it very limiting.... Even Explore s bad so rarely use it lol

  • Personally I don't really use connect for routes.

    I assumed that the OP was referring to the map of an activity that’s saved after the fact, not the route/course creator.

    I can confirm the the route/course creator has the same behavior as the activity map tho - when the provider is Google Maps, the Connect website doesn’t show restaurants, but the Connect app does. Again this can be worked around by changing the map provider to HERE, on the website.

    Since this bug does affect the course creator, then the absence/presence of restaurants on the map (as opposed to sporting venues) actually is relevant, at least for me, as a runner who knows people who regularly plan destination runs to restaurants every month or so. (Yup, many ppl run to eat or drink beer haha.) I will reiterate that I actually know ppl who plan to run to a restaurant or brewery as a social activity, but I know 0 people who plan to run to a stadium. (I’m not counting “indoor track” as a stadium.)

    If they want to plan their route in the Connect website, this issue will be a problem for them. (I will say it’s pretty unlikely that anyone I know would use the Connect website to plan a running route.)

  • LOL I assumes that they wanted too see the poi's so they could then plan based around them, They could be used as markers, "After the  Thai takeaway we need to look for a left turn"  that kind of thing.... 

    We do a similar think on mountain routes.  where we woud have a notes on the route card abut things to watch for so you would know when a course change would happen etc. 

    "(I will say it’s pretty unlikely that anyone I know would use the Connect website to plan a running route.)"   I prefer Bascamp on my laptop. And Oruxmaps on my tablet and phone..