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Errors with Training Load on 4-Week Timeline Graph

On both the Garmin Connect app for Android and the Garmin Connect website, my training load displayed for the 4-week graph shows two immense spikes of 6935 load value. 

This does not reflect any activities I have done, and is not on the daily total Exercise Load chart.

This has the doubled effect of zooming the graph so far out that I can't determine my current fitness level vs 7-day load, making the entire system essentially useless until these erroneous data points fall off the graph. 

I can't even delete an activity to fix it, because there isn't a corresponding activity.

I have reached out to support via email and provided the attached pictures and app data log, but have received no response or answer on how to rectify the situation.

I was hoping someone else out there may have a solution or proposed workaround to that I can get on with my training plan.

Details: I use an Edge 530 to record and sync cycling activities with my Garmin Connect Mobile App. The Edge 7-day training load graph is also blank, but I imagine that is a separate issue.

  • There's a place where one is supposed to be, but it never has any bars displayed on it.

    Did you ask on the Edge 530 forum, whether other owners of this model can see the data there, or also not? If you are alone having the training load graph blank, then there may be a problem with your device. In that case I recommend resetting it to factory defaults.

  • I'm fairly certain these two issues are not related because the graph was always blank before, while providing consistent training load information from the Edge to Connect.

    Also, resetting my Edge won't solve the issue of the flawed calculations that Connect is doing with the information it already has in its database.

    All recent calculations have been correct, so I have no reason to believe the error is localized on my Edge 530.

  • The error has happened yet again! 

    My Edge is running firmware 9.75 (the latest version 23 Mar 2023) 
    Garmin connect mobile app is version 4.73.3 (also the latest version updated 16 Nov 2023)

    Going to reach back out to Gramin via phone to see if I can get an answer on this. 
    Meanwhile I'll probably have to move to a different software solution to analyze training effect if my data gets continually blown up. 

  • I've found a solution to the problem and the data has corrected itself after some re-syncing. 

    The bug lies in the Physio TrueUp software. After finding some Reddit posts about users noting strange behavior with Physio TrueUp enabled, I turned mine off for both my Edge 530 and my Instinct 1. Then I synced both devices, turned the feature back on, and synced them again. This removed all data spikes from the Training Load chart successfully. 

    Not sure what exactly the bug is, but I will pass this information on to the Garmin Support team for further debugging once engineering decides to reach back out to them.