Download Daily Summary not possible

Starting 7-Nov in "Daily summary" no download is possible. Only "Customize layout" shown as option.

Any hints?

  • Ye, don't see it too.

    But still possible to export all data at: → Profile → Manage Data

  • This feature disappeared 5-Nov for me. The documentation was also revised to remove this option. Exporting all data takes too long to use the data for daily decisions. I feel very disappointed with this change; will see what comes of my support request. Maybe if enough customers provide feedback it will make a difference.

  • Thanks for this. But I like to download on daily base...

  • Today I got complete download of my data.
    Found fit files in DI_CONNECT\DI-Connect-Uploaded-Files
    containing 4 zip files with 66.868 fit files in total
    so the user can collect daily data by himself.
    I hope, download for daily comes back...

  • But I like to download on daily base...

    Then contact the Support and report it to them. They may not be aware of it, if it was removed accidentally

  • I contacted support. They said they were happy to help, and that they took the feature away on purpose, apparently trying to steer people to leverage the reports they provide instead of doing their own analysis. If enough customers provide solid explanations of what they use the data for, including sample reports they generate from the data, they will consider restoring the feature.

  • Connect a watch by USB and check MONITOR directory, FIT files are there (until synced).

  • Actually the link is still working, it's only hidden.

    Simply replace part of the display link to download-service.

    Here is a script for that:

     'Authorization':'Bearer '+JSON.parse(localStorage.token).access_token

    Create a bookmark, as an address enter javascript: and just after the colon paste the script.
    Then you can run it by clicking on a daily summary page.

    Of course the link may be removed anytime, so it's a temporary workaround.

  • Hello BunBun! Thanks a lot for your effort and support!

    I downloaded my full data and meanwhile I decided to use my Garmin equipment not longer for day-by-day but only for special actions. So it's not longer relevant to me to collect data on daily base.

    Decition by Garmin gave me the "kick" to reduce my spreading of health data.

  • I'm not really a whizzkid but I tried your suggestion: it just gives me a blank page (also when I'm logged in). Any idea on how I could get it to work? I'm really eager to do so, because the data they provide in the reports section is crap. I previously built a piece of code in Matlab that was analyzing my training progression vs early night stress values. No way you can do that with what they provide now (except for the full export but that can not be used to evaluate your run directly).

    Edit: OMG you're a king! I now understand you have to go to the Daily summary page and click the bookmark to run the code (I thought it was a link as bookmarks usually work). Thanks so much!