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I can't change the vo2max from connect web

Good evening. I go into the profile settings but that field is not editable.

Yet I remember having modified it a few months ago.

  • It is gone. You can only show or hide the measured value.

  • ok...

    I ran with two Garmin watches and I had two different VO2max values. The lowest value has been stored on the platform, but both watches show the highest value by one point

  • It is gone. You can only show or hide the measured value.

    I still see the option to change it in Garmin Connect Web. Maybe it depends on the device(s) used? (I have Edge 530, no watches.)

    I ran with two Garmin watches and I had two different VO2max values. The lowest value has been stored on the platform, but both watches show the highest value by one point

    Is Physio TrueUp enabled for both watches?

    Also do you mean you used 2 watches simultaneously during the same activity?

  • Two Garmin watches connected to the same heart rate monitor (HRM-Dual) and footpod and I got two different vo2max values!
    Having trueup active, it corrected the vo2max on both watches with the highest value, however the lowest value remained stored in the platform but it should be restored at the next road race. (the problem is that when I do trailrun it doesn't change)

  • I still see the option to change it in Garmin Connect Web. Maybe it depends on the device(s) used? (I have Edge 530, no watches.)

    Can you take a screenshot of the page I need to open please? I have edge 1030

  • Two Garmin watches connected to the same heart rate monitor (HRM-Dual) and footpod and I got two different vo2max values!
    Having trueup active,

    Hi, Physio TrueUp is intended to sync results for *different* activities from different devices, not the *same* activities. Recording duplicate activities into your Garmin Connect account contaminates your fitness metrics and cannot be undone even if you delete one of the duplicates. I suspect this is why you are having this issue. This is from the Garmin FAQ:

    VO2 Max Estimates When Recording Activities Simultaneously on Garmin Devices

    Your VO2 metrics can be impacted from unsaved or deleted activities. For that reason, the practice of recording activities across mutliple devices concurrently is not advised. If you wish to view your activity data on a Garmin watch alongside your Edge® cycling computer, we recommend using Extended Display Mode.

    So don't record duplicate activities into Garmin Connect, use only one device per activity (with Physio TrueUp enabled on all of them), and simply wait for the metrics to "heal" themselves over time as you record new activities.

    Manually changing the VO2max value will not "fix" this (it makes it worse). The Garmin FAQ used to have the following info about this (but it's gone now, so maybe the option is being removed from all devices):

    Can I Manually Input My VO2 Max?
    You can self-report a VO2 max value in your user settings in Garmin Connect; however, this value will only display on your Garmin Connect profile page, and will not be sent to your Garmin device or populate in your VO2 max reports. Additionally, the VO2 max value in your user settings will not automatically update based on the VO2 max values recorded from your device.


    If despite all that you still want to see where VO2max can be changed (or used to be possible), it's here (for my Edge 530); I clicked the device icon at upper right, selected my device, then User Settings:

  • Just a note to this field, although I think it was already mentioned earlier in this thread - editing this value will not have any impact on any metrics or stats, it is only the value what will show up on the public profile. 

    At least that was the case for the running VO₂max that was recently taken away from this page. I do not have any cycling VO₂max (no powermeter), so cannot confirm it by testing, but I am pretty persuaded it will be the same. So do not expect it will change the VO₂max value in your reports.

  • Thanks for the info Kyle

    I confirm that it is no longer possible to change the vo2max related to running, however it is possible to change the vo2max related to cycling in the settings of the 1030/530 edge device

    Unfortunately in Fenix devices it is not possible to change the vo2max (neither of the two)

    Simultaneous recording is very useful for evaluating the reliability of these devices.

    Obviously I do this very rarely and, in this case, exactly the anomaly I suspected emerged: Garmin's vo2max is not precise and is highly underestimated for running.

    thanks to these tests I was able to evaluate the reliability of the optical cardio readers, chest straps, GPS and various updates.

    this is the 2nd time in 2023 that I use 2 devices simultaneously because I had noticed that the 1030 also stores deleted activities on connect.

    The vo2max data is calculated by the watch because when I ran with two devices I had disconnected the Bluetooth and at the end of the race I obtained different values.

    Watches downgraded to "partially compatible" strangely record an underestimated vo2max, and that's very serious!

  • Kyle , , I take advantage of your expertise to present you with another question.

    When I was looking for vo2max I looked at my heart rate zones calculated by garmin...

    The anaerobic threshold is correct, but why is zone1 set starting from 65%?!

    All the percentages are wrong!

    I have always had Garmin calculate these heart rate zones and I read that zone 1 should be between 50% and 60%
    Could this configuration be the cause of the anomalies on the underestimated VO2max? and on the performance condition that I don't find consistent? (my resting heart rate is 41)

  • I have always had Garmin calculate these heart rate zones and I read that zone 1 should be between 50% and 60%

    Yes, but that's the range when it is based on Max HR. You have it based on LTHR, hence it must be higher percentage, otherwise the resulting absolute BPMs would be too low.