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Custom exercise name…all in favor click this!

I know this is and has been a big topic for at least 5+ years! Yeah, 5+ and that is ridiculous on Garmin’s part. Everyone interested in this MUST make a request at the following link. It is the ONLY way we get anything done with this. They need a rash of requests piling in back to back. FLOW THIS LINK —>

ALSO, as stated in another thread. Whether you use Garmin Connect for IOS or Android. We need to blow up their app reviews with negative feedback on this topic! New customers need to see this as it is a very important feature to us users! This will deter them from buying Garmin products! If Garmin adds it we up our star rating! For them to not implement such a simple feature for us who spend our hard earned money on the products is simply sad. It really shows their product/customer support. 

Those who say use a random exercise then add in the notes what exercise you actually want is just not the way! We should not have to do that! Letting the situation go and not being proactive is why this hasn’t been done yet. NO WORKAROUNDS GARMIN! Fix this! if you are part of an online group post this up on your social media to help push this! 

  • 5+ years should give you a hint on whether this is going to ever happen or not.

  • No people are lazy they get on here and cry about it and don’t fill out request forms. Have to be proactive not reactive!! Wink

    You prove my point! Instead of making that comment you could have filled the form out!!!!

  • "Custom exercise name"? I don't think that is what you are asking for. You are asking for the possibility to add custom exercises. Custom names would also be good and that is likely very easy to add compared to custom exercises if you look how the exercises are connected to different functions in Garmin Connect.

  • I don't even understand what it is you're asking for, but the fact Garmin hasn't provided the feature in 5+ years but still seem to be doing quite well at selling devices suggests that it's maybe not as critical to most users as you feel it is to you?

  • Custom name/custom exercise pretty much the same. All is needed is to have a custom section in the exercise list that you can click on and edit. Exactly how the “workout name” works when you create a custom workout. That’s what I don’t get it’s so simple yet they can an an entire new sport with many customizable fields.

  • Oh that so? Why is it dated back that far then? If you can waste time adding an irrelevant comment you could research what it is I’m referring to before commenting! Reactive not proactive when it should be the opposite! Grin

  • It is likely not simple at all. Think of what such a change will affect. The workout creator must read all those custom exercises and they should not be visible for other users so Garmin needs to add functions and filtering so only you see your exercises. Same in the reports. Nothing is coded for handling that. Maybe the watches also need some changes to handle custom exercises. Adding that functionality is high risk and the benefits are pretty low. Some users really want it, but I guess most don't care. I never log any exercises when I do strength training. I just start strength and stop it when I'm done without pressing the lap button to log sets. I also remove the automatically created set to clean up my logs.

    Adding a new sport is easy. Everyone should have access to it. Same with adding a new exercise for everyone.

  • Your attitude responding to me and the other person commenting, is offensive. I would never vote for anything you suggest.