Hi guys,
I went to a long run last Saturday and, after saving the activity, I realized that it did not sync with GCM.
I tried to do it manually, but a message "
Hi guys,
I went to a long run last Saturday and, after saving the activity, I realized that it did not sync with GCM.
I tried to do it manually, but a message "One of your files was not accepted by the system..." shows up.
I downloaded the fit file repair tool, which solved part of the problem, however all info is messed up.
Watch shows only about 14 minutes of HR in a 1h45min run.
I was using the strap and the data from the strap looks fine as I can see in the phone, however the one from the activity is messed up. I also downloaded it from the strap, but file is still corrupted.
If I look in the activity "Laps", it seem the HR was OK for all laps.
When I used the fit file repair tool, I managed to import the file to Komoot, but the GPS data looks all messed from certain point.
Does anybody know how to fix it (if it is actually fixable)?
Thanks in advance.
As seilogramp wrote, you can change the Calories when you edit the activity directly in Garmin Connect. However, neither that, nor the messing with the FIT file will have any impact on the daily Calories - those are calculated independently.
If you get lower active Calories than expected, then it can be either due to wrong personal data (weight, height, age, gender), inadvertently changed, or due to a high Resting HR (for example if you do not wear the watch 24/24).
Thank you both, but it started in the last two runs (right when I bought the new Chinese chest strap) so I’m sure is due to that.
problem is even not the calories it is also the training effect that today after a 2k+4x800m+2k gave me only 0,4 of aerobics (or something similar but close to zero) and zero of not aerobic… simply impossible.
neverhteless I’ll no longer use the external heart rate control… than will be ok as before
Thank you both, but it started in the last two runs (right when I bought the new Chinese chest strap) so I’m sure is due to that.
That's very well possible if your Resting HR changed significantly (and it can change), or if you mistakenly entered wrong weight, or another parameter. Equally, the change of those values would impact the training load and other metrics as well. I recommend verifying the Resting HR, weight, and other body parameters first.
An external strap is usually much more accurate than the wrist HRM, but if you bought some noname Chinese strap, it is possible it is the culprit. It is better to spend a few bucks more, and get a reliable device.