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Adjusting heart rate zones without a physical Garmin device

I don’t have any Garmin watch or device, I’m using a Garmin Connect account only by importing workouts into it. However, the heart rate zones are absolutely off (e.g. anything above 159 BPM is considered Zone 5 - maximum, which doesn’t make sense at all, not with my HR max around 190).

When I tried to find out how to adjust the HR zones manually, it always points me to changing the configuration in my Garmin device - but I don’t have any! But clearly, the HR zones are saved somewhere on my Garmin Connect profile, because they’re displayed on every workout. (They aren’t imported from the source device - they’re different, shifted significantly.)

How can I adjust them without a Garmin device so that they’re realistic and relevant for my training?

Adding screenshots to show the difference. This is how the HR zones show in Strava - quite realistic:

And this is the same run, imported to Garmin Connect:

  • If you are importing activities from an external application or service, the HR Zone table must come included in the activity file, just as it is the case if you use a Garmin device. There is no way to set up HR Zones in Garmin Connect without the corresponding device. It is the property of the device, and must come along with all the remaining data in the activity file. Contact the service you are using, and ask them whether they could include the HR Zones into their files.

  • ... which file format do you use when exporting from Strava? Not all formats can transmit the HRZ table. The best format for imports in Garmin Connect, are the FIT files, so if you did not use those, try it and perhaps it will include the HR Zones from Strava.

  • Hi trux, thanks for the quick response. 

    My source device (Apple Watch) has the zones set up differently than what I get after importing to Garmin Connect. So it’s a bit confusing to me I must admit - where does Garmin take the zones? That’s what is so perplexing - why is it so different, and how to change it…

  • where does Garmin take the zones?

    Hard to tell, either there is something coming in the files you import, or Garmin uses a default fixed table based on the age and gender. If you zip a sample activity file and insert it into the post here, we can have a look at it. To protect your privacy, you may want to record just a few seconds long indoors activity, to avoid revealing your whereabouts. And editing the post, removing the file later, once it is resolved.

  • Thanks. I’ll double check the file format - I’m importing exercises to Garmin from Apple Health, but because there’s no direct connection, I’m using the RunGap app for syncing. I also import the same wworkouts to Strava, but that allows to set up HR zones manually if needed, so I hoped to find the same option for Garmin Connect. I understand it’s not possible.

    I tried other options before, like importing a GPX export or .taf export from Strava, but those were having other problems, and the RunGap imports are almost perfect, except of the dreaded HR zones…

    So I will try changing the HR zones directly on the source device (Apple Watch / Apple Health) to see whether / how it will get reflected on the imports on Garmin Connect with my next workouts. 

  • I just verified by exporting a native Garmin activity from Garmin Connect in various formats, and only the FIT file contains the HRZ table. So if you use anything other than the FIT file format, then there is no chance to transfer the HRZ from Apple Health to Connect.

  • So here’s what I was able to dig out via the RunGap tool - the zipped file should be what this tool is syncing to Garmin. 

    I’ve manually updated the HR zones on the Apple Watch, then did a 2 min dummy exercise, then exported & imported to Garmin. Garmin is still using the old/lower HR zones, so either the zones info isn’t on the file, or it’s not used for some reason 

    [edit: attachment removed as you already explained that only the FIT format includes the table]

  • Thanks, that’s useful! In the meantime I’ve uploaded the dummy exercise file, but when I myself look into it, it doesn’t seem to include the zones info (only the actual HR values). At least from a non-expert point of view.

    I wish Garmin Connect had a way to import stuff from Apple Health directly :) The other direction (from Garmin to Health) exists, if it worked both ways, it would probably resolve my issue too!