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Garmin Connect badge 60-Day Goal Getter and 10KADAY not working

Hi all

in this moment the Garmin Connect badge 60-Day Goal Getter and 10KADAY are not working in my profile.

The badges show day by day as if they were completed and are not showing the real value.

Is this problem only mine?

  • All-

    Thank you for your participation in this forum thread.  So that I may assist you further, please reply with the following:

    1. May we, if necessary, have permission to email you?
    2. May we, if necessary, have permission to view/access your Garmin Connect account?
    3. In what country do you live?
  • I was about to report the inconsistency to support (was having the same problem a couple of days ago), but now see that Web and App versions of Garmin Connect both seems to be the same again now (and working correctly, as far as I can tell). I think that the problem with the webpage version may've been resolved.

  • Yes it is resolved from yesterday