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Garmin connect registers activity but not the load?

On Oct 16 i did a cycle activity that equated to a load of 174 which Connect has registered, however you can see that in the acute training load, it is not registered. The load as dropped as though no activity was recorded.

The activity was recorded with an edge 830, so i dont know if that will effect anything?

My edge has the training load recorded correctly, but my fenix 6P has the same error as Garmin connect.

i did notice that when i got back from my ride Garmin connect was dealing with some network issues.

It's frustrating because i follow the suggested workouts a lot of the time and without this workout registered, my fenix is trying to encourage me to do tempo or anaerobic exercises following a tempo activity.


  • Try opening the activity in Garmin Connect, editing a minor detail (i.e. adding a Calorie), and saving it. Then check whether it is included in the Training Load.

    However, looking at the TL graph, it is possible it is already included. The Acute TL shows the weighted exercise load for the past 7 days, And since there were very few workouts during the past days, it is possible that the Acute TL remains low, despite the new workout.

  • Thank you for that tip. I tried it but no luck.

    I did think about the weekly load but i did the maths on it and it doesnt add up correctly. Also the edge reads much higher.

    Photos show the up to date discrepancy

  • I did think about the weekly load but i did the maths on it and it doesnt add up correctly.

    It is not a simple sum of the TE values from the pas 7 days. It is a weighted sum, where a different factor is used each day for multiplying the values.

    Also the edge reads much higher.

    Photos show the up to date discrepancy

    Yes, that's more revealing. Send the data to Garmin Support, and see what they tell.