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On every page I always have trustArc asking me to accept cookies.

On every page I always have trustArc asking me to accept cookies.
I use Chrome or Safari on mac and it's the same problem and it's only on Garmin websites. I don't know if it's my configuration or just their site that has a problem.
Thank you for your answer.

  • I had it too, coming back again on every page, regardless of the selected choice. I ended it by blocking the domain I used uBlock Origin adblocker for that purpose, but there are other possibilities as well.

  • Thank you very much, I will do the same.

    you made a filter with "||" right?

  • It would probably work too, but in Edge I just clicked on the minus at that domain in uBlock settings for that page:

    In Chrome it worked just by activating uBlock for all Garmin's domains (I had them excluded, originally). I have more options active in Chrome, so possibly the AdGuard Anoyances option took care of it (not sure, could be also another filter I use)