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Errant path shown on map using desktop.

On one of my normal rides I climb to the summit, then turn around and come back down the same route. The decent if fairly straight so I just coast since I'm spun out.

When I get home and look at map of my route Garmin is adding a straight line from the beginning of the decent to the location I beginning pedaling again (zero power output during the decent via NGeco PM). This is only when the "Power" layer is turned on in the map.

When I hit the replay button on the map it replays the route correctly. This behavior started within the last month. If I open a ride activity from last year it also adds this errant line that wasn't there before the last month or so.

I can turn the power layer off but the trouble is the map defaults to this view so every time I load a ride or refresh the page I'm back in the "Power" layer and errant path.

See photo at link below.