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Deleted activities on Komoot, still on Garmin connect but unable to resynch


I use komoot on my Garmin edge 530 to follow a trace. I log in real time my position/speed/elevation during the activity. When my activity is donne, I save it on my Garmin gps and it transfers automatically to Garmin connect and log an activity on my Garmin profile. Because I connected komoot and Strava to my Garmin account, it also send all of the informations there and log a trace in komoot and Strava as a done activity with all the correct informations of what I did during the activity.

I deleted by mistakes 2 of these activities on my komoot account. Since I still have the data logged on my Garmin connect account and even in Strava, I'm trying to find a way to export the informations and import it back in komoot. I tried to export a GPX and a TCX to see if it brings all the correct data when I import it in komoot as a done activity but it does not transfers as I would like. It only imports a trace with a predicted speed and elevation and localisation and not really the one I did.

Maybe there is a dedicated format of file for this but I don't know. I have written to komoot and wait for their answers.
