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2 MAJOR BUGS: Exercises not shown in 4 weeks overview, Training Load Focus values DECREASE instead of increase after every exercise. All after SW version changes by Garmin and earlier major bug reports:


MAJOR BUG 1:   Training Load is not displayed and not counted in 4 weeks overview of the 7 day training load. See figures hereunder:

Where are the Wednesday 13 July and Saturday 16 July training !! They are there in the Activities overview but clearly MISSING in the 7 Day Training Load

MAJOR BUG 2: THE TRAINING FOCUS IS NOW COMPLETELY SCREWED UP, even worse than it was when I reported on 13 July 2022

The Exercise Load of 164 points of the 16 July ride is subtracted instead of added to Low Aerobic !!!! See hereunder




  • Where is the VO2 max graph? It should be right under the training status graph. Check the VO2 max report. 

  • That's totally irrelevant. Look really carefull at the screen shot of the 4 weeks overview and you see the 13 July and 16 July training bars missing. 

    On the 13th of July the exercise done on that day was shown as usual as a blue bar in the Exercise Load graph and now it's gone, it's deleted.  Also the 7 day training load value of 14 July is not calculated. Black dot missing in the 'Green bar'.

    The exercise done today the 16th of July shows in the Activities, in the Training Effect report but NOT in the 4 weeks graph which is the only graph where you can see which kind of exercise it was (low or high aerobic etc) by hovering over it with the mouse.

    It's one of these many f*** *ps caused by SW version changes done on 14 July after I reported that again the Training focus calculation was f*****

  • To get a training status you need training load and a couple recent VO2 max values (usually about two in the past week). If your VO2 max values are missing your training status will be lost.

    The 7-day training load looks like it is working even if the exercise load graph isn't.

    Exactly what is happening with the load focus points is hard to see. It is the points for the past 30 days so points is lost every day from the beginning of the period when the date range is moved.

    I would check the training load for June 15, 16 and 17 and see if that can explain why the points looks like they are subtracted.

  • e7andy,

    All this sh*** is caused by major SW bugs in the Garmin SW. Every time I have reported a major bug, Garmin immedialtely changed SW version(s). Why do you think they do this.

    What you are writing about the Focus Load is incorrect. Those values shall NEVER DECREASE. The dotted bars of the optimal focus load adapt (in size) and shift either to the left or right based on the overall training progress which is also shown in the green bar in the 7 Day Training Load graph.

    All these major bugs of loss of points in the Training Load Focus (Low, High Aerobic, Anaerobic distribution)is of the last 4 to 5 weeks. It never happened before.

    If you would have read through the whole post you would have seen that this major bug re-appeared after less than 4 weeks

  • The values will of course decrease from time to time depending on your training. They cannot always be increasing since you cannot perpetually increase your training load. The values are a sum of your training for either the last 30 days or 7 days so the old training from the beginning of the period will be removed every day and decrease the value. Have you summarized the values for the period to see what it really should be? 

    The display of exercise load in the graph seems to be something happening now. I saw a report yesterday with the same issue. My graph is working so it is not happening for all users. 

    Have you reported that last issue to Garmin? When you report issues/bugs, don't write them like above. Focus on one issue at a time instead of mixing several things in the same report. 

    Which device do you have?

  • Well all I can say is I have exactly the same issue as you do regarding  your Major bug #1. Nothing after 12th of July. Can't figure out how to upload a pic but it more or less looks as in your pic.

    Regarding your Major bug #2 I see no problem here. Probably as e7andy said. Somthing went "out of range". Anyway I have not noticed this on my side.

     If you, for example, do bike runs without powermeter you get no VO2 max readings.


  • Regarding bug 1, I experience the same, last couple of days no activities under exercise load in Garmin connect web. The activities are visible in the Garmin app under exercise load. I have contacted Garmin support about this issue. 

  • Hello .  Will you check out the thread below to see if this also accurately describes (at least part of) your issue?

    Exercise Load Missing in GC Web, but shown in GCM App

  • It is indeed (partially) the same issue. I do not use any mobile app so cannot tell if it is visible there.

    In the web app the exercises are indeed not displayed but the 7 Day Training load seems to be calculated except on the 14th of July.

    The execercise I did on the 13the of July is even deleted on the 14th of July, the same day where you see the 7 Day Training Load value is missing, the black dot in the graph is missing.

    the exercise done on the 16th July never appeared in the Exercise Load graph, the 7 Day Training Load was still updated however as can be seen in that graph

    The strange thing is however that from the 17th July on, when I synced via USB-cable and GE Windows AND had reported this major bug on the 16th, that ride appeared.

    After the 17th I did not do any rides so do not know the current status.

  • e7andy,

    you are mixing up Training Focus and Training Load. The 7 Day Training Load

    The Training Focus is the distribution of all the exercise loads over low & high aerobic and anaerobic. An exercise qualified as Low Aerobic makes the Low aerobic value increase with the exercise load. The other two remain the same, mainly, not always because there is also still a major bug in the device SW/FW where the basic distribution over low, high and anaerobic is calculated.

    The Training Focus values do not decrease if the SW functions properly. I have tested this in a test account over a year ago. If I look at the Training Focus graph of today I still see the values where I left it more than a year ago when I loaded the last exercise in that test account

    Of course I calculated what the several figures should be an can exactly see that the exercise load values which were subtracted instead of added multiplied by two are missing.

    And Garmin and I will be the judge on how I report.

    Since Garmin has again responded with immediate action obviously I use the right way. Who do you think you are that you can judge about this. There is no other way to report bugs to garmin than via this forum otherwise nothing happens as I know from previous absolute horrendous experience with local garmin people