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Issue Saving Course in Garmin Connect Web When Importing Source as GPX from OS Maps

  • Has anyone had any feedback from support for this? Just had a very painful conversation over chat with them which didn't get me very far. Just sent an email to try a different approach...

  • From everyone's responses it seems like Garmin are unfortunately telling everyone it's not their problem...even though it clearly is. Good luck!

  • That's disappointing. I've only just bought my first Garmin device and it's going to be useless to me if I can't import GPX files and save the routes. If I don't get a positive response on this in the next day or so I'll just return it and shop elsewhere!

  • You will be able to import GPX files - just not as quickly as easily as you could until recently. There are various workarounds on this forum - but they all add an extra step. As disappointing as the initial problem is Garmin's terrible customer service who seem to have been unhelpful +/- rude to everyone about it. Wouldn't blame for you going elsewhere while you still can.

  • The exact same issue, anyone got a fix yet? Updated app but still same issue.

  • Response I got is that it's a problem with OS maps. To be fair, I have found GPX files from other sources have worked in Garmin Connect. On the other hand, OS maps' GPX files seem to work with every other app I've got apart from Garmin.

    Using this converter before opening in Connect seems to be the easiest fix to me (only adds a few seconds work):

  • me too. this has been happening for a while. I found some other forums from 2 years and 7 years ago so this fault has happened before. Looks to be universal as I am having the same experienced as described by others on this thread. It completely devalues my device if i can get self plotted maps into the device.

  • Hi, I have recently encountered an issue which is preventing me from saving a course. 

    There are a couple of points to this and i have already read some old posts on a similar issue but to to avail.

    1. I always create my maps in OS Maps and this has always worked seamlessly for me. Starting yesterday I noticed that oddly I can open an imported .gpx file which i have created using OS Maps, rename it in Garmin Connect however it won't let me save.

    I'll upload a screen grab but for info it says 'Oops looks like there was a problem saving this course please try again' ...I tried alot of times but it doesn't work.

    2. I can still create a course in Garmin and save it as I'd expect so all is not lost however I much prefer OS Maps for the detail they offer so would like to resolve this issue.

    I have tried old .gpx files to see if its just recent files that aren't working but this is not the case, its happening on all files that I try even ones that previously worked.

    3. I uninstall and re installed Garmin Connect but this hasn't helped.

    1. Any ideas?
  • Have you tried the web?

    Post a link to a GPX that isn't working so we can test and see if it a local or global issue.

    You are located in UK so that might still be the issue. I wonder if changing the location in the Garmin account will make any difference:

  • A gpx exported from the OS Maps iOS app can be imported into Connect without any problems. I can confirm that does not include any <wpt> elements, which are what is causing the problem.