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"Remember me" (doesn't) Remember Me

The option to "Remember Me" has suddenly ceased to work. I have to enter username and password to log in each and every time.

I encounter the issue with each of my browsers: Firefox, Safari, and Opera.

This issue seems to have a very, very long and sporadic history.

It started again for me last week or so.

Anybody find a fix?

  • last days it is getting more frequent then before, no matter what device (different computers, mobile), no matter what browser (chrome, edge, safari)…

    so my next guess is that it has to do something with new beta and something broken on garmin servers?

  • my next guess is that it has to do something with new beta and something broken on garmin servers?

    Probably not the beta. I use the beta too, and was logged out only once in the last few weeks.