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Time in heart rate zones graph shows wrong max heart rate and zone ranges

Using Garmin530 with an external heart rate sensor whilst cycling. 
Heart rate zones and my age are set correctly in Garmin Connect and show correctly on device. 
Device is recording heart rate correctly showing average and max as I expect. 
However after the ride, when viewing the graphs for Time In Heart Rate Zone the max value is different to the device and the zones are wrong. 
Any idea how this can be fixed - the data is useless as it is…

  • What external HRM do you use? If it is a Garmin device, then they often have their own settings, where the HR zones may be set differently than on your Edge 530

  • It’s a Polar bluetooth monitor connected directly to the Edge 530 - pretty dumb device so don’t think it has HR zones but will explore…

  • Did not you activate the auto detection of the max HR in the settings? If yes, then it adjusts also the zones according to the detected max HR value.

  • Max HR and zones show correctly on the device and via connect - it’s only the Time In HR Zone graph that is completely wrong… see pics!!!

  • zones show correctly on the device and via connect - it’s only the Time In HR Zone graph that is completely wrong… see pics!!!

    From the pics it is not clear whether they refer to the same date. Since you use the HRR base for the zone (max HR - Resting HR), and since both may change greatly daily, if the screenshot of the HR Zones was not taken immediately after the ride, it might have changed in the meantime.

    However, much more importantly, you are showing the general HR Zones, while I see on the first screenshot that you have another HR Zone profile defined explicitly for the cycling. So if it was a cycling activity, you have to post the screenshot of the Cycling HRZ table, not the general one.

  • Did you ever figure this out? I wonder if it's really the same problem I've had for a while. I used to use HRR for calculations. Now Garmin Connect Mobile will not let you switch back to Max HR, and shows I'm using HRR.  If I reset the values, they show correctly in GCM, with zone 1 starting at 50%. After a sync, the zones adjusts on the watch to Max HR (zone 1 starts at 63% for that HR). They are each on different calculations, and there is no way to switch them back!