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International Worker's Day 2022 badge

Hey Garmin.

Are you kidding me that the badge only applies to Asia?
How's that International?
What about the rest of the World?

  • The term "international"  means existing, occurring, or carried on between two or more nations. Not necessarily all nations. Also, there are some similarities to "May Day" or "Labour Day" but not identical - International Workers' Day - Wikipedia

  • My point being that it is also recognizred in many other countries.
    And if it's called May Day, or whatever in another country, it's still the same idea, definition, whatever.

  • You're right, it's popular event, so it make no sense to limit it like that. There may be some slight differences in naming, but for that - there are translations - I checked translation for my region and it's correct.

    It would be better to just not region limit badges like that, all should be listed just with option to opt-in/out. Then everybody could easily choose events which they are interested in. Currently you need to change region at main account settings to see other badges.

  • Indeed no badge today.

    But you can get it by changing a region, for example to Taiwan or Japan: -> Profile -> Location

    Then edit today's activity, just change its title. Wait a bit and refresh the page, the badge will be awarded.

    Next, you can change region back. Just remember not to edit this activity later with other region active, as after each edit an activity rechecks for badges with current settings.

    And it's strange that during Chinese New Year there was nothing on the streets in this region, but badge was available. Then on 1st may there is active event, but the badge is hidden.

  • No thanks, that has the taint of cheating the system.

  • Official description doesn't mention any regional limits, there is only one rule: to record an activity on 1st May, so it's all good:

    International Worker's Day 2022 Limited time
    1 pt - Record an activity on International Worker's Day, May 1, 2022

    Any not mentioned limits conflicting with description should be treated as bugs, and this is a workaround.

    But of course everybody can freely choose.

  • How did you know about the badge? The only way to see it is if you are in one of the required countries and then you can get the badge. 

  • This time - from this thread.

    But you can also see badges earned by others, for example your connections. There is even special feature for it allowing to compare which badges you're missing with somebody.

    Then you can click on such badge and read its requirements. That's why any hidden limits are big no-no as it mislead users who meet all listed requirements, but won't get a badge for unknown reason. Especially when description is properly translated to regions. This would be really strange to put effort into translations and then won't publish badge. So it by all means looks like a bug.

    Also earlier there were threads when an user asked why he didn't get some badge which his friends got.

  • The question was mostly rhetorical. I'm one of the persons that supply lots of people with that information from my site and my blog and different Facebook groups and also here in this forum.

    Garmin should write the country restrictions in the badge description like I do in my site or just skip the restriction. They can already GPS lock badges like the race badges and in the description for those badges it clearly says where you should be. Example: "Run the Garmin Olathe Marathon 10K in Olathe, Kansas". They should use that function if they really want to restrict a badge to a certain position and then write it in the text. Example "Record an activity during Golden Week in Japan, April 29 – May 5, 2022".

  • I also beleive this badge should be available for everybody.