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Garmin Coach Room to grow message and distance in m


I’m on my second Garmin coach plan with Greg, have already completed the 10k plan and now I follow the half marathon plan. One thing I don’t understand  is why sometimes I get the Room to grow message when the confidence level is rising. And the second thing is, whenever I get this message, I see the covered distance in m and not in km like I normally do. Has anybody else seen that?

Thank you

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  • Hello .  I have seen this myself when I walk (instead of jog) in between the Speed Repeats.  Additionally, for these Speed Repeat workouts, I use the Track Run activity profile on my watch, which shows completed activities in meters (which it should), even though I have my Unit of Measure setting set to Statute.

    Are these the same conditions for your situation?

  • Hi and thanks for the reply. I did a quick search on my past runs and as a matter of fact, yes, now that you mentioned it, I checked this happens every time I use the track run profile! I jog between the speed repeats. Does the message mean I am not keeping the desired pace or something? Because in most cases I keep a rather faster pace in the speed repeats intervals than the suggested one.

  • Yes, there are still pace goals even during the 'Recover' steps in between the 'Run' intervals.  Each time I received a 'Room for Improvement' rating, I was slower (than the pace goal) in at least one of those 'Recover' steps.

  • Thanks a lot, it makes sense now! However, I don’t get to see that pace goal during those recovery short times, I only get to see the remaining time.

  • I noticed the same problem as you recently. I also do not see a pace for the recovery but what I have done the last time I got room to grow was to also stay idle for some seconds to drink water during most recovery phases. Is it maybe the same for you?