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Overview of Times in Zones (Heart Rate Zones) for each week/month/year

Is there an overview of the Times in Zones (Heart Rate Zones) for each week/month/year, not only per activity. That would be very helpful. Dear Garmin, please integrate this "function* in the App or at least in the Web Garmin Connect.

  • To formally submit this feature request, please use the link below:

  • Don't bother submitting your request. There are multiple threads going back 3 years on this critical omission by Garmin. If someone on this forum knows of a third party app that tracks cumulative heart zone totals, please let us know.

    Someone in one of those threads suggested the app Runalyze. But as far as I can tell, that app only tracks weekly heart zone totals for a specific activity, running or biking individually, not both together.

    The only reasons I switched from my Polar Ignite to Garmin's Vivoactive 4 was for live tracking and incident alert while cycling. Now the only time I'll wear the Garmin is while cycling. But I'll also be wearing my Polar H10.

  • Don't bother submitting your request. There are multiple threads going back 3 years on this critical omission by Garmin. If someone on this forum knows of a third party app that tracks cumulative heart zone totals, please let us know.

    I wouldn't say that it's futile to submit requests, if there are enough of votes it probably gets implemented, maybe not in the device you're using but for newer devices. Garmin clearly states that on the aforementioned page. I can tell that submit a lot of ideas through those years and at least some of them come to reality recently, of course not in the device I've asked for.

    And I'd like to highlight that when Garmin made changes to firmware changing functionality and after that a lot of people started to request to change like it was before, it was addressed. So I wouldn't say that the company is ignoring users, they just have own policy which they follow and I feel that user votes can influence their decisions in certain situations.

    I never used Polar myself but what you described in Vivoactive 4 forum sounds as a cool feature.

    Regarding 3rd party app I don't think that any on watch app can do that, neither Runalyze, you can also check Tredict but I don't remember that functionality there either.

  • Hi. You can find this basically in Tredict. The weekly or monthly calendar pages showing the aggregated heart rate (or power, pace, cadence) zones for the week/month as "intensity distribution". So you can skip through the pages to compare. The other options is to define a range in the zones evaluation of Tredict. There you get an detailed overview of your zones. You can slide this range forward or reverse for time range comparison. Note that Tredict also has the concept of zone revisions, which means basically date based zone definitions. This makes zones in Tredict accurate. If you change your zone model, you do not affect older zones definitions.

  • This is what you have at Runalyze. (viewable in the histogram tool:

  • This looks good too and I like it. But such an overview is unfortunately incapable of showing date based zone revisions/definitions, in a nice way at least, if this is a thing.

  • Most people are fine with a static based zone revision. But there will be a support for it in the future. 

  • We need this feature. It is required in order to monitor if you are on track with your expected 80% of Zone2 vs 20% of higher intensity training. Moreover, in addition to having this feature built as part of Garmin connect, it would be even better were we to have a on watch glance that provide you with this information.

  • yes ! exactly this ! how is it possible this is not a thing yet @garmin?