I'm hoping there is a way to remove the auto-location from the activity name whilst still keeping the workout name so for example instead of saying, Melbourne - Hill Training, it would just say Hill Training.
I'm hoping there is a way to remove the auto-location from the activity name whilst still keeping the workout name so for example instead of saying, Melbourne - Hill Training, it would just say Hill Training.
You can choose workout name or untitled
Thanks for the reply seilogramp, thats actually the setting I have at the moment, but it for some reason when I have 'Workout Name' selected it also adds the location. I'm pretty sure I know the city I live in and train 99% of the time lol, though Garmin seems to think otherwise, would be nice if it could be removed so I can see the full workout name on the calendar since it gets shortened usually because the addition of the location makes it too long to display.
You're right. Your location is always added. You're forced to use "untitled" if you don't want to show your location, then edit it later. I always use location, so assumed it would be possible to not show it based on the settings available.