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Vo2 Max not working

Hey, i need your help. I had a Vivoactive 4 for about 2 years which one time stopped measuring Vo2max. Since 9. of July i own a Fenix 6X Pro and it also doesn't really measure my Vo2max while running. I use GPS and a Heart Rate strap (HRM Dual). How often should it measure Vo2max?
I meet every criteria mentioned in this manual from Garmin

The last and only time i got a Vo2max from running with the Fenix 6X was on the 12. of July 2021.

I have set up my max Heartrate and also my heart rate zones for running etc. The default 50% - 60% / 60% - 70% etc..

I manage to stay for more than 10 minutes straight over the 70% of my maximim HR
I have GPS+GALILEO enabled
The runs are about 5k and 40 minutes.

Also my training status does still tell me "For status run two times outside with HR data" well i was running about 15 times since i have the Fenix 6X now.

The Fenix 6X is on Firmware 16.70 (6fc0675)

  • I managed to fix it myself. I turned off Physio TrueUp and now it is calculating Vo2Max and Training Status.

    I think there was a bug with the old data from my previous garmin watch. And because i only have one Garmin device, i think i don't need Physio TrueUp at all.