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Multiple duplicate weight entries every day

I have problems with my latest weight entry being duplicated several times per day. I weigh myself almost every morning, this is properly uploaded to Garmin Connect along with the timestamp of the weigh-in and body measurements. Within a few hours, sometimes just a few minutes later, the same weight entry is added multiple times in Garmin Connect.

Is it possible to see logs where or what are adding these entries? I'm using the Garmin Connect on iOS and connected it to MyFitnessPal to track meals and calories. 

Is there some setting on the iPhone, in Garmin Connect, or in the MyFitnessPal app I should double check? Because something appears to be creating a sync loop or something.

Edit: I removed everything, clear anything related to syncing in iOS Health, on various web services and in all apps I could think of. After setting it up again I have not had any issues so far.