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When will AMEX be supported by Garmin Pay

Garmin Pay is the bomb dot com, or so I thought. I recently switched credit cards to an American Express but am dismayed to see it is not supported. Is this on the roadmap, does anyone know? It'd be a real shame to need to switch to an apple watch over this, since apple pay works for pretty much anything.

Please bring AMEX support! Let's keep Garmin Pay great!

  • Please bring AMEX support! Let's keep Garmin Pay great!

    Is My Bank Card Compatible With Garmin Pay? | Garmin Connect

    Why Is My Bank Card Not Listed?
    If your card is not listed as being compatible, contact your bank and express your desire to have them work with Garmin Pay.

    Whether a card chooses to be part of Garmin Pay, is 100% up to the card's bank and that company. It is 100% outside of our control. We would love to have every single bank and credit union under Garmin Pay. It is a win/win for us and our customer base.
  • AMEX is not currently part of Garmin Pay but we take AMEX when customers are buying from us directly. Whether or not AMEX is ever part of Garmin Pay is up to AMEX and not Garmin. We cannot force them to join Garmin Pay.

    Forms of Payment Accepted by Garmin

  • "We cannot force them to join Garmin Pay"

    I don't buy this at all. You can certainty put pressure on Amex. What is Garmin currently doing to put pressure on Amex and make this happen?

  • Pressure on Amex? What do you expect?

    If you don't support us (Garmin Pay) now we will not support you (Amex) if you want to?

    Do you really think that Amex would 'give in' into such a statement. Why should they?
    Just question yourself: Would you leave Amex because it's not supporting GarminPay or would you rather get another device supporting a payment service  which can use Amex?

  • Amex demographics shows they cater to a smaller more affluent client. If enough clients communicate their desires, they should respond.....Conversely maybe Garmin can allow another platform like Google Pay, or the like, as a work around.

    From Forbes "In a recent article, we took a look at Visa's business model, which is driven by transaction volumes. In this article, we will compare that model with the one employed by another credit card giant, American Express, which focuses on spend rather than transaction volumes. This contrast is evident in the numbers; Visa has more than 2 billion cards in use worldwide and processes more than 60 billion transactions per year, while AmEx has just 107 million cards in force and processes just 6 billion transactions per year. Despite this disparity, American Express has annual gross revenues of $33 billion while Visa earns just $14 billion per year."

  • AMEX: I see you are contacting us about Garmin Pay. May I know how can I help you with it?

    ME: I just purchased a great smart watch that uses Garmin pay. I found out to my dismay that they do not take AMEX. They say it is American Express that is keeping me form using your card on their platform.  If enough people contact you for their desires I'm hoping it will come to fruition.

    AMEX: Oh, I see. As per checking here, the Garmin pay isn't supported with AMEX yet. Not to worry Karen, I'm taking the initiative to forward a report to our back end team, so they can look into this for you and possibly make necessary development in the future

    We do value your feedback since this helps us to identify any areas where we could do better, and to work on constantly improving our products and services.

    ME: I would think it would be wise for you to be part of this platform, since they are also a major corporation. I would think you wouldn't want someone to add a competing CC.

    Plus as a "Karen" I feel it's my duty to make you aware of this problem, lol.

    AMEX: That's a great idea what you said earlier. I will surely take note of that on the report that I'm going to send. I'll make a case on your concern and this is noted on our end. I'll definitely do my best to align with your concern.

    ME: TY

    AMEX: Of course, you're welcome. Should you need any further questions or assistance on this then feel free to chat with us at your most convenient time as we are available 24/7. Have a great day ahead!

  • I also would like amex support

  • I also would like amex support

  • Please add Amex to Garmin pay otherwise I’m going to have to look at getting an Apple Watch for my next health tracker tbh. 

  • Yeh they can’t force Amex to join Garmin pay but the proactive mindset is to keep prompting and pushing until Amex gives in because there is clearly a market and demand for Amex and Garmin to work together. It’s a disappointing outlook for the loyal Garmin community.