The weather functionality (gcm/handy connection requiered) sucks, because it seems that gcm is taking the weather from the next airport? I am located in Germany, Oldenburg and the weather is displayed for Germany, Bremen. This is about 60 km away from my current location! Have I missed something? I don´t think so, this prob is there for years. On the wearables, you can´t see from which location gcm is taking the weather, but on my Edge 830 the location is shown. What is the benefit for me to see the weather from a location about 60km away? Why is gcm not able to get the weather from a source near my location? Very disappointing and no longer up-to-date when the device has to be connected to gcm / mobile phone / wlan/mobile data anyway. Come on, Garmin!
Supplement (09.06.21)
I forgot to mention: I am on iOS (perhaps that´s why my post was moved to here).
edge 830
Of course I (can) use CIQ stuff for getting correct weather for my location, but why isn´t Garmin able to do/deliver this?