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Garmin connect sign in problems

Good day

I have been using the app for some time. After your latest update the app kept saying error occured when I try to view my activities that was saved via the watch. I uninstalled the app and reinstalled it. Now when I try to sign in it throws me out and displays (image 1 attached) then goes back to create account or sign in. I am however able to connect via google on the smart phone but on the laptop I am also unable to sign in. I have a samsung note 10 smartphone and the vivoactice 4s watch.

  • Good day,

    Two weeks ago my fenix 5x stopped to sync trainings. I cleared app cache and afterwards I had to login again. But since then I couldn't login, each time app is throwing me an error. Please see screen attached. I've wrote an email to Garmin, but nobody is responding.

     Maybe someone have experienced this problem? As far as I can see from that error application is bypassing captcha, so maybe that is the reason.

  • I've tried to reinstall app twice. Can connect through mobile web browser. Problem only with an app.

  • It's the capcha from CloudFlare that does not let you access Garmin's server. Probably it identifies your device or your IP address as potentially unsafe (or thinks you are a bot). It can be for example because your IP address was previously blacklisted due to hacker attacks, spam, or because someone on that IP address had a device infected by a virus with a backdoor. Or CloudFlare perhaps detected some extremely excessive usage from your IP address.

    Try accessing the URL [] in a browser on the phone - hopefully you'll be able to enter the capcha there, and then it could work even for the GCM app.

    If the browser does not show the captcha, but rather just shows directly the error "page not found" instead (that's the nomal output of that address), then you could try running the app while being connected through an alternative connection - i.e. using mobile data instead of wifi, or vice versa. Or try an alternative wifi of a neighbour, or a public one. If your router has a dynamic IP address, restarting the router might help to get another IP address, that hopefully will not be blacklisted at CloudFlare, too.

  • ... and if nothing of it helps, force the app to stop, and make sure you do not log in to GC at least 24 hrs, and then try again.

    If still no go, contact the Customer Support again - preferably by phone or by chat, if you want a quicker reply. Alternatively you could also try contacting CloudFlare's support, and asking them to unblock your IP, but I doubt a bit you could succeed there.

  • Okay, I just found a solution by using VPN. I've changed my location from USA to UK and managed to connect. Don't know what was the problem, but so far it is working.

  • Don't know what was the problem, but so far it is working.

    Exactly what I wrote - your IP address was blacklisted at Cloudflare Slight smile

  • Try connecting through an alternative connection - WiFi instead of mobile data, or vice versa, different WiFi router, or using a VPN or a proxy server. Your IP address is being detected as a bot by CloudFlare (kind of a firewall and CDS Garmin uses), hence it asks you for a captcha that the app cannot display, though.

  • Thank you so much man. Signing in with mobile data worked.

    Will being on wifi then cause a problem for the app to save the activities as this was the initial problem causing me to uninstall and reinstall the app

  • Will being on wifi then cause a problem

    The WiFi self is not a problem, but perhaps you did some repeated actions that CloudFlare mistakenly detected as a potential bot access, and hence requested the captcha. The blocking typically expires in 24 hours, so tomorrow you should be fine with the WiFi again.