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Category colors gone in Garmin Connect Web Calendar :-(

As of this morning, the Calendar in Garmin Connect Web no longer shows different colors for different activities (running, swimming, strength training, etc), making it very hard to get a quick overview of my training history. Sure, there's the little pictograms, but that doesn't work nearly as well for getting an overview as a color scheme.

Does anyone know if coloring the different activities is still somehow possible?

To me, this seems the most moronic UI change imaginable. :-(

  • bring back the color codes for  specific activities for the calendar....c'mon!!

  • bring back the color codes for  specific activities for the calendar....c'mon Garmin!!

  • d'accord avec ce commentaire, complètement un retour en arrière !  Garmin doit avoir ses raisons et ne veut pas nous les donner.

  • I wonder if Garmin has new ownership, which has ... other priorities. Clearly our pleas don't carry weight.

  • Suggest contacting Garmin directly...

    Replying here won't do much good as this is more of a user-to-user forum. Contacting Garmin support directly would be the best option. Even if they simply say "working as designed," they have to log the call. If they get enough of these, they will take action at some point.
  • THANK YOU FOR THAT REMINER!  I did so many times early on when they made the change, but I'll get on it again. 

  • I have share with Support: "Users like me remain consummately frustrated at the change that disallows adequate customization of the colors in the Garmin Connect calendar displays. There has never been any adequate response to the overwhelming discontent about the change. I've been told that it was related to ADA, which is ... quite honestly... BS. It could be designed to work for all of us, with appropriate color options."

  • I got this response on 20Mar 2021: "I am following up with you in regards to the case concerning the Connect calendar colors. The team has informed me that they are still in the process of editing the colors. Unfortunately, they were not able to provide a timeline of when this process will be complete. Once they have finalized the color changes within the Connect calendar, an article will be available to explain the different colors. However, you mentioned having the option of actually customizing these colors. There is currently no plan to have a customized color feature in the calendar, but I have created a separate ticket for this feature request. I believe that would be a wonderful option that would adequately meet each user's preferences and needs. I appreciate your suggestion and feedback, as that truly helps us continue to improve our application. Thanks for taking the time to voice these concerns. If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know. I hope you have a wonderful weekend." 

    Today 30Mar 2021 I logged onto GarminConnect & found a new splash page photo. I shared the following with Garmin Support: "So, Garmin made an obvious change to the Connect website... putting ANOTHER MALE runner on it, but hasn't responded to the uproar over removing our ability to customize the colors of our workouts?!  I'm guessing that no one was screaming about the splash screen on the site. Where are the priorities?  And if you really felt the need to change the photo, could you not have found any female runners anywhere to photograph? This is disappointing and disheartening."  Has anyone found any other changes? 

  • Most recent non-response from Garmin re: customization: 

    "That is by design and the colors of the calendar won't be back as that is changed as well. 

    Please share your great ideas with us at the following page on our website:

    This portal allows you to submit your idea directly to our innovation experts."

    Wow. Just wow.

  • After spending a few hours navigating the Garmin Connect site attempting to change colours for my run and strength workouts because they are both red, I sadly found this thread. :-(