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Map data is over 4 years old

The default map shown for activities is based on OpenStreetmap. The latter is continously updated by the community. The Connect map however is over 4 years old, as seen on the data like new suburbs added 4 years ago still missing. Many Garmin users use their activitry recordings to update the base map and hence the trail network mapping improves over time. Yet Connect needs to update their maps from the source on a regular basis to make these as well as corrections available. 

  • That's correct, but we cannot help you with that. You need to contact Garmin and ask them for the update.

  • If you aren't happy with how quickly Garmin updates their maps, have you considered downloading your own maps?

    Just google "download free garmin maps".

    The ability to add my own maps to my watch is one reason that I will always buy Garmin products.  Most companies attempt to lock you into their maps, while Garmin leaves the door open for third party maps.

  • Yes, a copy of OSM served by Connect is really outdated.

    Connect HeatMap also bases on roads from OSM and they update those more often, but still not so much, last HeatMap's roads update was about spring 2020. So some workaround is to use OSM layer with the HeatMap turned on, to see newer roads.


    Actually, it's possible to redirect tiles requests. But the problem are tiles names - I couldn't find another server with the same naming as Connect has.


    As an example - let's redirect tiles of to (both have the same tiles names):

    It's done by editing the hosts file, the first column is an IP of a server where request will go, and the second column is an address which will be replaced.


    Those servers are https, so also it's needed to add an exception for a SSL certificate.

    After this edit, opening the de website will show tiles from org version.


    Theoretically the same could be done for Connect, but tiles names are different, so above server won't work. Would need to look for a server with the same tiles' naming, or host own OSM copy locally with names set as in Connect.

    Or look for some web-browser add-on which translate those URLs. Digits are the same, but in Connect they changed decimal digits into HEX, and have them in other order:
    30F = 783
    1E4 = 484

  • I made an add-on which translates those URLs of Connect's copy of OSM and redirects to Original OSM, this way it always shows the latest version of the map.



      "description": "Redirects Connect's copy of OSM to Original OSM.",
      "manifest_version": 2,
      "name": "connect-to-original-osm",
      "version": "1.0",
      "permissions": [
        "webRequest", "webRequestBlocking",
        "*", "*" ],
      "background": { "scripts": ["background.js"] }



    		var url = new URL(e.url);
    			url = url.pathname.split('.')[0].split('/');
    		var u1 = parseInt(url[1].slice(1),10),
    			u2 = parseInt(url[2].slice(1),16),
    			u3 = parseInt(url[3].slice(1),16);
    		return {redirectUrl:''+u1+'/'+u3+'/'+u2+'.png'};
    	{urls: ['*']},