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Corrupt fit file F35 - again

Hello fellow garmin users and hopefully Former Member,

my activity today did not upload from the watch to connect. I would highly appreciate is someone could fix it with the fit file repair tool.

This happened twice before - once in january this year, once approximately a month ago. The second time around I wrote garmin support and their answer was very disappointing:


Dear Ivan,

Thank you for your inquiry.

Unfortunately we can not fix this error, because the files are saved incorrectly.

This error can occur and can only be corrected by repairing the data.


There are two similarities between this time and last time:

- I ran almost the same route (this time a bit longer), which also involves a forest section --> so maybe the problem is that gps gets lost and then the activity gets corrupt? These were the only two times I was running there.

- I paused at some point during the activity and made a phone call in pause mode after conitnuing the activity some longer (same for last time too)

Also here are the answers which Former Member asked me last time:

amount of FIT files: 19, total size 1,82 MB
amount of free memory: 3,30 MB (out of 5,30 available)
MAC user: no
Activity length: not really longer than usual
Activity pause: I had 2-3 pauses but this is not unusual for other activities of mine
Connection to phone: yes, it was connected; in 99% of my activities it is connected

After the last time this happened, I deleted all of the FIT files but the last three or four. It can't be a solution to always delete the past activities every week or so.

I am extremly disappointed with garmin and will ask them to have a look at the watch if there can be done something. It is now 1 year and 3 months old, so maybe warranty still applies?

Nonetheless, thanks for any help in advance!



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  • Former Member
    +1 Former Member over 4 years ago


    sorry to hear Garmin does not want to help you

    Unfortunately we can not fix this error, because the files are saved incorrectly.

    This error can occur and can only be corrected by repairing the data.

    • so Garmin knows this error can occur Smiley
    • by not giving you a case number they tell you and us, they do not want to solve this occurrence caused by the watch
    • my understanding is that the file is only being corrupted when stopping or saving the activity
    • during activity, the data is ok

    repaired with help of Fit File Repair Tool

    check this file

    happy & safe sporting

  • Former Member
    +1 Former Member over 4 years ago

    some advice

    contact Garmin Support by phone and tell them about your mishap

    • get a case number and report that number in the forum
    • you can help others with building a larger case this way
    • mac users empty bin when device connected

    avoid pausing during activities

    clean activity folder on a regular base

    Fit File Repair Tool can repair your fit file, time for an investment when you keep using the FR35 

    • want a fit file repair without investment
    • zip your fit file, make a new post, drag & drop the zip onto your post

    happy & safe sporting