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Can I Enter Steps Manually?

does anyone know if i can manually adjust my step count. i added a manual activity but the step count doesn't adjust to this knew activity or mu intensity minustes?? is there nother way to record this, im new to Garmin and with fit bit you could do these things?? Help!!!

  • Every once in a while I forget to take my Vivosmart out of the charger and go off on my morning walk or work or whatever. The number steps on the morning walk or even an average day at work doesn't change that much really, so it would be easy to manually add in the number of steps (near enough).

    It would be sooo useful to have a feature to add activity manually. If there is already can someone point it out to me?

  • Agreed, thT was me this morning Expressionless

  • It would be great if the app could read the steps from my apple watch. I prefer my apple watch as a daily wearable and use my vivofit, forrunner or edge for my training. My apple can read what my garmin do, but not the other way around. Manually adding the steps would be good. 

  • Hi. I have been diligetly getting 10k steps for months, yesterday I went for my usual evening walk that I take every night but I forgot to wear my watch, as such I only got 9900 steps! 
    How can I manually add these steps where I forgot my watch after the fact? 

  • You can't. You need a device from Garmin connected to your account only to record the steps for them to register, plus that you have enabled activity tracking.

  • Oh no!! That's a disaster! I've been doing 10k steps for months and only fell short because I forgot my watch. There is no way I can edit the steps I did yesterday??? Or add the walk?

  • If I remember correctly, I have tried to add manual activities or even import saved activities (.fit files) with altered data, but they did not add to the steps. I think that the only "place" where steps are saved is on the device, and then that information is what is transferred.

  • well i will need to contact Garmin then because I'm not having that! lol. Im not loosing out on months of step streaks because of 80 steps. (That I did anyway just forgot the watch) you can manually adjust sleep and other things so dont understand why not steps. 

  • you can manually adjust sleep and other things so dont understand why not steps. 

    Beause many companies and insurance agencies rely on the data from fitness devices for awarding health benefits to their employees and clients, and Garmin is explicitely contractually bound not to allow the manual editing of this data.

  • in what Country do companies and insurance agencies rely on step counts??