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How does a Darth Vader watch relate to Golf in Garmin Connect? It does not....

Hi Garmin,

I just bought the Darth Vader Watch. Now Golf is an option in all my Connect tabs. How does these 2 things fit together? They don't.

Reading through other posts, this has been an issue for more than 5 years.

How do I remove the Golf tab from the Garmin Connect App?

  • Garmin Connect is not an application written for Darth Vader. It is an app for all (or practically all) Garmin outdoor, sport, and fitness devices, golf watches including. If you require exclusive Darth Vader edition of the software, feel free to request it at Garmin through the from at

  • Missing the point. I don't require exlcusive Darth Vader software, but want to get rid of the Golf tab that suddenly appears in the left pane after connecting my watch. I did not ask for that and I do not want it. 

  • But the golf functions are part of Garmin Connect, since it serves also users of Garmin watches for golfers. The software also contains sections specific to bikers, runners, hikers, and for many other sports, although not everyone does all of the offered sports. So if you ask to have the Garmin Connect software or web interface with just some parts of it, you do ask for an exclusive version.

    BTW, there is no reason why Darth Vader could not play golf with his light saber. In fact he is doing it all the time. And that's exactly the true reason why he wears the mask - he needs to protect himself from the deflected golf balls, that he hits with immense force with the light saber. 

  • In fact he is doing it all the time.

    Here is the proof:

    And the Death Star was built in the form of a golf ball just because Darth Vader was such an exceptional golfer (you can even see the impact of the light saber on it):

  • The simple truth of it, is that since the Darth Vader watch has the golf functionality built in (and reading 's answers, I'm sure Vader will make good use of it as well Golfer) and since you added a watch compatible with golf functionality to your account you now see it in Garmin Connect as well.

  • I good idea would be for Garmin to add the possibility to hide certain features in Garmin Connect Web even if the watch or you in some way have activited that feature.

    I was messing around in Garmin Express and clicked on a lot of stuff. Now I got a boating feature in my web interace called "Quickdraw" which I would like to remove, but I don't care so much that I would take the time to write a suggestion to Garmin. Sometimes I click the Quickdraw function and check the plotted lines with the depths in different waters around the world... :-)