Why does my 920xt drop “steps”? Last night, I synced all my activities. My watch clearly showed 17,051 but only downloaded 15,651 on Connect. This is not the first time. It’s frustrating when Garmin puts out these challenges.
Why does my 920xt drop “steps”? Last night, I synced all my activities. My watch clearly showed 17,051 but only downloaded 15,651 on Connect. This is not the first time. It’s frustrating when Garmin puts out these challenges.
Could you post a screenshot of the daily steps graph from both GC Mobile and GC web for the concerned day. They each look differently, so both may perhaps reveal what part of steps was lost. Also, on the web version, you can zoom the end of the day, and drag the mouse cursor along the graph - in the tooltip you'll see how the steps increase, so check where it stopped increasing despite it should, or where it dropped back (if it happened).