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How to import data weight to garmin


I don't have garmin weight scales and I would like to export from excel to garmin Connect all my historical weight. 

How to do that? 

In the icon cloud there is possibility to export


What about other data how to export?

I am not sure which parameter i should use to exper other data

Regarding link


class Measurements(object):
# M or F
gender = 'M'
def getWeight(self):
return 100
def getPercentFat(self):
return 100
def getPercentHydration(self):
def getVisceralFatMass(self):
return 100
def getBoneMass(self):
return 100
def getMuscleMass(self):
return 100
def getActiveMet(self):
return 100
def getActiveMet(self):
return 100
def getPhysiqueRating(self):
return 100
def getMetabolicAge(self):
return 100
def getVisceralFatRating(self):
return 100