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How to import data weight to garmin


I don't have garmin weight scales and I would like to export from excel to garmin Connect all my historical weight. 

How to do that? 

In the icon cloud there is possibility to export


What about other data how to export?

I am not sure which parameter i should use to exper other data

Regarding link


class Measurements(object):
# M or F
gender = 'M'
def getWeight(self):
return 100
def getPercentFat(self):
return 100
def getPercentHydration(self):
def getVisceralFatMass(self):
return 100
def getBoneMass(self):
return 100
def getMuscleMass(self):
return 100
def getActiveMet(self):
return 100
def getActiveMet(self):
return 100
def getPhysiqueRating(self):
return 100
def getMetabolicAge(self):
return 100
def getVisceralFatRating(self):
return 100 
  • Trux- it worked, finally. I had viewed examples in the forum as if they were concatenated with commas between (instead of actual columns). Your example zip was immensely helpful. Thank you!

  • I had viewed examples in the forum as if they were concatenated with commas between (instead of actual columns). Your example zip was immensely helpful.

    The zipped example was in exactly the same format as all the sample code I provided earlier in this thread too. None of them was using any columns, It was always just a Comma-Separated list of Values (CSV). All you needed to do was copying and pasting the code into a csv file, using a simple text editor, such as Notepad.

  • Im' trying to get this to work, can't see my error. Even tried my values with , instead of . as its setup in my accout, but this just gives the error message faster. Also noticed that BMI is shown with . in Garmin Web while weight and fat uses , so I even tried to do that with the file, but no.


  • Hope this helps someone:
    After reading through this and several other threads and experimenting with different combinations, I was able to transform my Withings weight data and import it to Garmin successfully. I didn't encounter any limitations and was able to import my data for one year with >80 measurements in one step.

    Maybe the confusion in this thread is a result of different language settings at Garmin and the values in the file. 
    I'm using the Garmin website in 'German' as my primary language.

    I did test it with different combinations (without quotes, dots instead of commas, semicolons instead of commas), nothing but a CSV-file with this format has worked:



    The Garmin import is very picky about the file structure

    • The first line has to contain 'Body'
    • Second line 'column headers' in English
    • All next lines are the measurements encapsulated in double quotes and comma separated. The values have to use a comma as the decimal delimiter Also each measurement has to provide all three values. If a value is missing, the import fails.

    Withings to Garmin - Step by step

    • Export Withings data and import the weight.csv to Excel (if the import doesn't work because of your language settings, replace all commas in the file first with semicolons in a text editor)
    • Keep only the Date, Weight and Fat column
    • Add a BMI column between Weight and Fat and calculate the BMI value
    • Export as CSV file
    • Open the CSV in a text editor and search/replace so that file looks like the example above
    • Import the file at Garmin, Choose English as language  
  • Thank you!!!! Just so everyone is sure, including the values inside quotations is very important regardless of your decimal format! 

  • Take a look at this thread particularly near the end where a procedure is described. It won't help with history but it automates transfer of data going forward. If it works for Renpho I have to believe it works for Withings and other brands.

  • I used exactly your structure and even your data (also german as language) but still not working - any advise?

  • Look up to  response. The file needs to be a .CSV and be in the format posted above. For me, I built an excel file that looked like the following table, then saved as CSV. From their I opened it in a text editor to make sure the format stuck. I found it duplicated the quotation marks, so I had to do a find and replace to get it right. 

    Date Weight BMI Fat
    "24-09-2022" "175.4" "23.8"


  • I got it working but I can't remember how it did it, it's been to long already.

    Ok I tried it again I got it working in this format using a *csv file:


    Important is that after selecting the file you chose "language English" because that's whats used in the file and the correct number format, in this case using . as separator as . was used in this example, if you use , in your data it should work to, but select the correct one. The other settings were fine on standard for me.

  • I'll import my own weight data since February and check my own instructions above while doing that ;-)
    At latest during the weekend, I'll leave an updated post here.