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Garmin Training Plans - Run Walk Run confusion

I'm doing Jeff Galloway's half marathon training plan and if the whole point of the training plans is that the plan tells me the interval lengths and what pace should I run, then why on earth there's this "Run Walk Run®" workout where only instruction you get is "Run 9,6km but pick your own pace and splits."

Now I first have to google suggested splits and they are of course only given mile/min so I need to convert those to international units. Then try to figure out how I can keep track of everything because my watch won't help with that.

The whole workout should be removed from the plan if Garmin can't calculate the splits for me!

  • I just started doing the 5K program and I looked up the table for my desired pace saw that according to the table in the description on the Garmin Connect App, I was to do 2 Mins Run and 1 Min Walk and I think that the acceleration and Glider drills will need to be incorporated as you transition from the walk and run. I am a rank beginner and I think each drill builds to a complete type workout. I watched the videos and read the stories and I will let you know how it goes. 

  • Thank you for your suggestion.  I posted this question about the lack of run walk pace a couple of days ago and accidentally came across your suggestion. I sa that the question was raised a couple of years ago.  I wished the issue had been dealt with the issue within the two years.

    Common sense says that a run walk pace should be included.  It is in other parts for the Galloway Training Program.  I will try your suggestion today.  

  • My problem with the Jeff Galloway 1/2 marathon plan is its not run / walk! Take tomorrow’s workout - says to warm-up 10 minutes, run 6 miles, cool down 10 minutes. While doing the workout, it never gives alerts for my run/walk. I either need to have another app running to do the timing. Or skip the workout plan and let my watch do it as alerts. It should not be advertised as Jeff Galloway’s plan if it doesn’t do a run/walk. 

  • After month of similar frustration I managed to find this:

    It's maddening the "Jeff Galloway" training plans don't mention this much less set up something similar. I'm still fighting with it because it seems if any other alerts (like heart rate zone, cadence, etc...) are set then the walk/run alerts won't fire.

    My biggest complain with the "training plans" in general is they allow zero customization like setting warm up times to better match the physical geography I run in and just manually created my own plan, so IDK if it will work with the training plan as automatically provided but if you manually set thing up you can get walk/run alerts

  • I appreciate your response, and concur with your complaint of not being able to modify the workouts in the plan. I traditionally have used the run/walk alerts for years. I thought when it mentioned Jeff G. - it would actually conform to what he has taught. If I could modify the workout - I could put in the intervals. I tried running two watches - one with my standard run/walk and the Garmin with the workout. Too much concentration on electronics! I do like when the workout is over and I press resume, it picks up the run/walk alerts without skipping a beat.

  • This bothered me so much that I wrote a custom data field that specifically works with the training plan. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think.

  • Hello,

    was it solved during the years ?


  • Thanks. I have downloaded it and will let you know how the data screen works out.

  • You were really good.
    some garmin choices are nonsense