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Garmin Training Plans - Run Walk Run confusion

I'm doing Jeff Galloway's half marathon training plan and if the whole point of the training plans is that the plan tells me the interval lengths and what pace should I run, then why on earth there's this "Run Walk Run®" workout where only instruction you get is "Run 9,6km but pick your own pace and splits."

Now I first have to google suggested splits and they are of course only given mile/min so I need to convert those to international units. Then try to figure out how I can keep track of everything because my watch won't help with that.

The whole workout should be removed from the plan if Garmin can't calculate the splits for me!

  • I've had exactly the same concerns. I've given up on Jeff Galloway's plan and switched to Greg's plan. I've not done any on his runs so far but it already looks much more straightforward.

  • I totally agree that run walk run walk is confusing. Moreover, the routine seems to change kind of randomly. I am using 5K run training. I was asking to do 1.8 mi run walk run, but today it suddenly jumped to 4 mi. I do not mind, but I need to know it ahead. Also, how to set pace and choose intervals us totally up in the air. I started to feel that this plan is not worth using, unless it us better explained and updated.

  • Hi folks, I stumbled upon this thread and though I would offer some help since I am now doing the Galloway plan. While I understand some of the confusion it actually makes sense. First, I have to ask if you listened to and read all of the material that is provided as part of the plan. If you don't, the instructions for each run will confuse you. Having said that, I will agree that the expression, "using your best run walk strategy" is not the best way to express anything. What he actually means is run as fast as you can, walking if you have to for those who need to or must walk. For me, I only walk for recovery when he specifically requires me to walk. 

    I did the Run Walk Run run today (effectively a 1 mile Time Trial; 5 minutes, run a mile, 5 minutes cool down). I ran the mile in 8:36 without walking because that was the best strategy for me. Some may have to walk and his plan accommodates that. When I do the cadence drills, I work on my cadence while running hard for 30 seconds, without sprinting, then I walk for 30 seconds. I may do my 30 seconds at a pace of 8 minutes per mile you may do yours in 7. Just do it and walk to recover and follow the plan. You will see improvement, trust me.

    I am doing the plan for a second time, the first I had to stop because of the Covid lockdown. I was improving. I switched to Greg and completed his 5K Plan. It was different but I felt I did not see the same progress. I have started again with Jeff. To be honest, I am fitter for having done both plans.

  • Agreed. I know my run walk run strategy. I hate that I can't add my intervals in so it will notify me when to switch up. I have to look at my watch instead. Or be able to set it up as a custom run and import it into the coach like Nike app does. 

  • Hi all,

    Can see people are still commenting on this. I have been using Jeff's Training plan via the Garmin Connect App. I got the RunWalkRun splits from an article that comes up near the start of the training plan itself. Screenshots attached.



  • I am more irritated that I can't add the splits into the coach. It says run 1 mile but then doesn't let me enter my intervals. So i have to use another item as a timer. It should be integrated. 

  • Completely agree with you on that, I am new to running and am supposed to be doing 1min, 30 sec splits, I keep getting the timings wrong because in so focused on keeping going. There is the run walk alerts on the connect app, but even activated they haven't notified me at all! It's a massive oversight on Garmin's part and a shame as I've found the rest of Jeff's plan really good. 

  • See the link. 

     Key is when having selected your workout go to options for your run, alerts, create new, run/walk, create new. 

  • See the link. 

     Key is when having selected your workout go to options for your run, alerts, create new, run/walk, create new. 

  • Thanks Wilbertvdk. But as mentioned before this alert does not work when doing an exercise with the garmin coach. That was my biggest problem with the plan from Jeff. I really liked the Run/Walk-technique. But following his plan means no Run/Walk-alerts during workout which is very counterproductive