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Garmin Training Plans - Run Walk Run confusion

I'm doing Jeff Galloway's half marathon training plan and if the whole point of the training plans is that the plan tells me the interval lengths and what pace should I run, then why on earth there's this "Run Walk Run®" workout where only instruction you get is "Run 9,6km but pick your own pace and splits."

Now I first have to google suggested splits and they are of course only given mile/min so I need to convert those to international units. Then try to figure out how I can keep track of everything because my watch won't help with that.

The whole workout should be removed from the plan if Garmin can't calculate the splits for me!

  • I do not known any Training Peaks training plans, but I do know that the half marathon plan selected directly from the choice on Garmin Connect, used the units I selected, and calculated times, paces, etc. for me. Perhaps the training plan of Training Peaks simply was not programmed to do so, and does not use any feedback to adjust itself. Did you try asking Training Peakls?

    However, when running, and having the training screen on the watch (see below an example from Garmoin Instinct), all values, including for example the pace range bar, use the units you have chosen n your watch's settings. So Garmin does calculate in the units of your choice. The watch cannot convert values given just in the notes, though - not sure whether this is the case with your plan from TP.

  • I'm not talking about TP plans. It's the Garmin Coach Plans found under Training -> Training Plans

  • I'm not talking about TP plans. It's the Garmin Coach Plans found under Training -> Training Plans

    OK, I see, don't know where I saw it was from TP. Possibly just because I did not have my morning coffee yet in that time. 

    If the given workout tells you to run 9.6 km run-walk-run and to pick up your pace, then it likely means that the pace is not important for that given workout, rather just the distance, and you can run or walk as you feel comfortable. The purpose of that specific workout does not seem to be the pace. It may change in the following workouts, and you will get clear instructions to keep your pace within certain range, and will see the screen in the right units on your watch.

  • In the big picture the whole workout doesn't matter. Jeff does have formulas for suggested paces for these runs though.  Yes, the other workouts in the program are more clear and easy to follow and I understand it's his registered trademark method and he wants to include it in this coach plan but it's just frustrating how difficult it's to follow and I can't be the only one confused about this. Garmin should do something about it. They do have all the data needed to calculate the splits and paces for me. 

    But maybe I'll just move on, hopefully it'll get fixed some day.

  • Garmin should do something about it. They do have all the data needed to calculate the splits and paces for me.

    I am afraid I do not quite understand what you mean by telling "Garmin should calculate...", when the workout tells you to pick up your pace freely. Without knowing this specific workout, from your description it looks like it was the choice of the designer of the workout not to specify the pace. As long as the pace range is not given, the Garmin watch has no values to calculate with, so what exactly do you mean when telling "They do have all the data..." - where do you see the data?

  • Sorry I wasn't clear, the workout tells me to "Choose the best Run Walk Run® strategy for you".The pace for this is from Magic mile workouts which are also part of coach program and therefore Garmin would have the data available before the workout is started Slight smile

    So for example if my last magic mile run was 7:52 he suggests 9:26 pace for half marathon training for me (magic mile * 1.2). Then the program lists suggested splits for this pace which is run 2min walk 30sec.

    pace/mi run    walk

    7:00      6 min  30 sec (or run a mile/walk 40 seconds)

    7:30      5 min  30 sec

    8:00      4 min  30 sec (or 2/15)

    8:30      3 min  30 sec (or 2/20)

    9:00      2 min  30 sec or 80/20  <= this one 

    So when I'm told to run 9.6km around 9:26 mil/min pace for 2min and then walk for 30sec until I've reached the distance but only distance information is available for me from the watch, you see how this can get complicated? Grinning

  • The plan you selected is in no way interconnected with other workouts, so the Coach Plan does get any data from the Magic Mile workout, and there is also no reason why it should. If the coach/designer of your training plan wanted to use the same algorithm as the Magic Mile, he could do it, and he could integrate it directly into the plan, but apparently the coach just tells you to pick up your pace freely, and run-walk the given distance. If I understood well, he does not tell you to complete it in some exact time. From that I suppose that for this specific workout session, the pace and time are not important, rather just the distance. You do not need to use other workouts to set the pace for you. Just do what the coach tells - run-walk the distance (in the pace you feel comfortable with).

  • I totally understand you . I started the 10k plan two weeks ago and had to google what run/walk is. I still have to clue, if I chose the "right" run/walk times for me.

    But the worst thing by far: I have to constantly take a look at my watch because the built in run/walk function doesnt work in combination with the garmin-couch. It works fine when I start a "normal" run activitiy.

  • This is stupid. Tells you to choose a ’best strategy’ and doesn’t provide any clue as to what a strategy is, and how to choose one, other than combining walking and running. How am I supposed to get results from his training plan? 

  • I am facing the same issue.