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Discrepancy between calories burned on Myzone and Garmin Connect

I’ve recently started using a ‘myzone’ HR strap and am noticing a massive discrepancy between calories burned on myzone versus calories burned on garmin connect after a workout. Myzone shows 465 after a hard spin session, garmin connect shows 185. I’ve checked my heart rate zones match in both apps. What can I do? Prior to using the myzone strap I used the garmin HR strap and a spin session calories burned was always recorded in the 400’s. The problem is affecting my aerobic affect score, and because I sync from connect to Strava, it adversely affects my relative effort. Does anyone know what I can do? ???

  • HI, I have the same issue. I think garmin is recording the MEPs from myzone. 

  • I've been trying to figure out why it's so low, but your guess might be right! Did a 44 minute interval run, kcals 390 / MEPS 43, and Garmin was saying 33kcals.I put the belt on before I started the workout and took it off after I finished the workout, which would explain the extra 10 MEPS all together, but it does look like a simple coding issue for Garmin / MyZone to fix. 

  • You may want to have a look at the thread Calories burned during runs are suddenly inaccurate, if you want to know something about the algorithms used for the calculation of Calories burned during an activity.

  • Ive had exactly the same issue. If i run without the myzone chest strap, cals are correct for running. Around 100 cals per mile. As soon as i add the myzone strap it tells me 103 cals ish for a 3.5mile run. Well wrong and very frustrating!

  • It is def a myzone and garmin issue. I use myzone strap when on zwift and it records what i expect. On garmin the cal burn is very close to my meps for myzone.

    I contacted myzone who said its a garmin issue. Spoke to garmin who said it was myzone issue. Really helpful! 

  • If you checked the link I provided earlier in this thread, you would understand how Garmin calculates the Calories, and why Myzone is wrong. Or you can also understand why Garmin shows wrong Calories, if you do not use the device properly. Read it, and if you still have questions after having checked it, do not hesitate to ask - I can enlighten you more,

  • I’m having the same issue with a new MyZone, just did a 9.5 mile run on Dartmoor and Garmin says 176 calories! I have read the thread you refer to but still don’t know what to do to rectify the problem? 

  • There is no way to accurately measure the calories burned for any activity.  There are a variety of formulas which guess at the number.

    Apparently the MyZone HR strap and Garmin use different formulas.

    This is one reason I ignore the calorie field.  And the fact that you can't turn off the calorie field is the primary reason my daughter gives for not getting a Garmin watch.

  • Hi, its the My Zone HR strap. When you go to the my zobe app it records the calorie more accurately. My zone also uses whats called MEP which is their own way of recording effort. Its the MEP which is being displayed by garmin. I have since upgraded my bike computer to 520+ which now seems to record the calories rather than MEP by My Zone

  • FYI I had this same issue on my Fenix 3 - since upgrading to the 6 the issue is solved. 100% a handling issue between the strap and the watch.

    on a related note I’ve just uploaded a MEPS counter data field - check it out in a few days when it’s approved and live.