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Activities Colors in calendar & in Reports

Why we can't separate all actvivities to single color & type for each other ? 

For example in my calendar what ever i do: Rowing, gym workout, cross traing or Cardio...  - they all fall in to the same category GYM & FITNESS EQUIPEMENT  = same color! 

Activity Type are in groups but...


- Cardio

- strenght traing

- rowing

I belive that heavy weight lifting is much different than light cardio, or Rowing...   Why they are in the same category ? same color in calendar


Really ?? looking at the price tag of Grmin product and comparing to other software like Strava or Training Peaks...  or any data analysing websites

YOU ARE FAR AWAY Garmin... to don't say NUL! 

  • I have exactly the same use-case! 
    Too many activities are grouped into Gym & Fitness, and aggregated into one group in reports and calendar.
    I do both weights/bodybuilding and yoga, and that is somehow in one category.
    Why in the world would anyone lump these two together?
    With such grouping, reports and calendar become utterly useless. 
    While I think Garmin wearables are great, the Garmin-connect site needs more investment - when it comes to features, it's not even a minimum viable product yet!

  • Agreed, but now it's even worse because the most recent update removed category colors all together. ugh!