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FIT file corrupt after shutting down Garmin Forerunner 35 to charge, before syncing to Garmin Connect

Hey Y'all,

I don't know if this is why the file got corrupted, it doesn't seem like it should be... but I turned off and charged my Forerunner 35 before syncing to GC and now when I try to sync, this morning's workout (attached) won't upload. When I try to upload it manually, even though it is a .FIT file, I get the error message: "We don't support the file type you tried to import." I tried to autofix the file using this online tool: This allowed me to upload the file successfully, but the file shrunk from 70.9 kB to 6.29 kB because of all of the corrupt location points that I guess were just deleted. Now when I look at the manually uploaded activity on GC it gives stats like distance and min/mile, but the map is incorrect; it just shows the start and end point with a short, straight line connecting them.

Also, upon converting the .FIT file to a .csv and viewing it in Excel, I see that there are many rows that say something like, "Error at pos 0229:470000140008FD0486000485010485050486."

Any idea how or if I can recover the corrupt data and restore the correct map? Thanks for any help!

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