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Limited pace range when configuring Garmin Coach running plan


while trying to set running training plan with Garmin Coach I can't select my real Average Pace, because proposed range is very limited (in fact I want to select something near 5:00 min/km). Maybe it is designed specifically for miles, not for kilometres?

  • I found the same problem, I dunno how I did to find my peace time… but I think I've tried in others Internet Browsers or I did directly from Garmin Connect app and my average pace appeared. Have a try, garmin connect website bug a lot

  • Same issue here. I'd like to setup my 5k plan to a goal of 19min, and it is stuck at 22min at the best. Tried with two different browsers, and it did not help.

  • You can choose faster paces in the Garmin Connect app.

  • No you cannot (iOS):

  • Faster than the 6:02 pace that the OP showed via Garmin Connect.Garmin Coaching is geared toward beginners. You're better off looking elsewhere if you're already a semi-conditioned athlete, IMO.

  • I do not disagree with that, but is it written somewhere ? I would be 100%fine if it is, and I would stop wasting my time trying to figure out something that doesn't need to be figured out.

  • Garmin doesn't explicitly state that coaching is for beginners, but in the description of the coaching plans it states the plans are for a 7min/mi pace or slower.

    "This plan is for runners who intend to complete their 10K at a 7:00 minute per mile pace or slower."

  • The strange fact is pace limit for a 5k and 10k is the same (4:24/km) when for a 21k you can choose 4:22/km and does not make sense to me.

  • Ok, this is an old thread but I think I know now why your pace range was limited after I set up my training plan for a 44 min 10k. It's probably because you selected 17-24 km weekly distance. When I entered 40+k per week, I could select pace ranges well below 5 min/km, I can't remember if it was 4:30 or faster. They seem to assume that you need to run more volume to run faster.

  • I literally tried every combination, because yours seemed like a sensible suggestion, but it's actually not as you say. The 10km plan is limited to a maximum speed of 4:24min/km even if you set more than 40km per week and if you declare that your current pace is lower than 4:24mim/km.Try it yourself.

    My question therefore remains valid. Why is the pace limit for a 10k slower than for a half marathon?

    Even if the speed limit was to prevent injuries to people who are not well trained, why set this limit the same between 5k and 10k and then lower it in a half m, which is physiologically more demanding?

    Anyway, thank you.