Can I delete just the activities from a single Garmin device from my Garmin Connect account?

Before going on a cycling holiday, I uploaded the routes to mine and a friend's Garmin 820s.  He also asked for me to update his device, as he rarely attaches it to his PC.

Whilst I connected his 820 to my PC, it has sync'ed all his rides to my G-Connect account.  As we ride together a lot, there are some very similar rides and telling the 100s of activities apart is going to takes ages...

Is there a way of sorting the data by a unique identifier, such as device serial number, so I can remove all his activities from my account, without reading each one to compare start and finish locations?

Any assistance would be appreciated.

  • Hi, thanks so much for this solution. When I open the .py file and it opens a command prompt, I can enter the email address easily but when it asks for the password, it does not accept my input (i.e. if I type, there are no characters displaying on the screen). Is there a fix for this? Thanks!

  • When I run the script, it states "No activities found for the given date range." I have tripple checked the device id.. What do i do? 

    "Device ID: 3445539475
    Select Activities
    Up to 9999 activities can be processed at one time.
    Leave the start date blank to start at the beginning.
    Leave the end date blank to end at the latest activity.

    Start Date (e.g. "2018-09-30" or blank):
    End Date (e.g. "2018-10-30" or blank):

    Type "YES" and press ENTER if you are absolutely sure: YES
    Logging in...

    Searching for activities (this might take a while)...

    No activities found for the given date range.

    Press ENTER to quit"

  • On page 2 or 3, I cant remember, it states that the password will look empty for sequrity, but what you enter will be written, so just enter password and press enter (even tough it looks like nothing is beeing typed, it is)

  • I am getting: "no activities found for the given date range" - which is not true.

    Have anyone experienced this and know how to fix it?

    I am using the correct device id. 
    I have tried bot not to type any date range in, and also to type in a date range.

    Thx in advance.

  • I'm getting the exact same today.. 

    Type "YES" and press ENTER if you are absolutely sure: YES
    Logging in...

    Searching for activities (this might take a while)...

    No activities found for the given date range.

    Press ENTER to quit

    Any good news here? :/ I need to have opened web site (garmin connect)? 

  • Hey everyone!  Here is the fixed & updated script that currently works:

    You'll still need to install Python ahead of time:

    And then you'll need to install the "Garmin Connect" Python package:

         ...using the command line:  pip3 install garminconnect

    (call the "pip3" file, wherever Python installed pip3 at...  probably in the "Scripts" subfolder in the Python folder)

    And then you'll need to copy the actual script (from the Reddit link above) and paste it into a new "" file  (or whatever filename you want to use)

    And then run:  python.exe

    When you enter your password, it will show up invisibly (to hide it, for privacy, so keep typing it even though it doesn't appear on the screen as you type it).

    And the script seems to like it better when I type the password in manually, rather than copying and pasting it.

    Just a heads up that this newer script seems to delete ALL activities, and doesn't give the option to delete activities only within a certain date range.

  • I run the script and it asks for my info and then it acts like it's done, but the files are still there.

  • I run this and it asks for data and approval. then it goes back to command line with no output, but nothing changes in my Activities. They are all still there.

  • Hello everybody!

    as the title said, how do i do it ? recently i help my friend to replace his edge 800 screen and upgrading his firmware. without thinking i connect his devices with my own account and now all of his activity sync to my connect account also even my strava dashboard. Now how do i delete all of his data from my account all at once since it will be alot of work to just delete one by one ? can i filter all activity from my friends device since we both have different model and delete it ? i didnt find any activity filter from certain device to so.