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Request: Max Number of Workout Steps

Currently GC allows up to 20 steps when using the workout builder on the site, and up to 50 when syncing workouts via TrainingPeaks, but would like to see this increased. I have a number of workouts created on TP, a lot of which use 'repeated' sections, however these are counted as multiple steps causing the workout to end midway through. 

I assume this must have been a hardware limitation at the time however I'd imagine current devices (e.g. F945, Edge 530, etc) would be able to handle quite a bit more. 

Garmin - please look into possibly increasing this limitation. 

  • Agreed. The 50 step limit when creating a workout is....limiting. For example; with my strength workouts, I use a progression like so (which doesn't lend itself to using the workout "repeat" feature):

    1. Curl until lap press, 12 reps, weight 20
    2. Rest 30 seconds
    3. Curl until lap press, 10 reps, weight 25
    4. Rest 30 seconds
    5. Curl until lap press, 8 reps, weight 30

    And etc. With the number of sets and exercises, the workout will go beyond 50 steps. As mentioned, the repeat won't work for this given the weight progression. Using a defined workout helps with recording so the weights are filled in -- I only have to "fix" the rep counts (because in many cases my Fenix 5 doesn't accurately count them; and how could it for lower-body workouts anyhow).

  • Agreed. I've been having trouble with this issue with some of my recent workouts from TrainingPeaks that have micro intervals.

    Any workarounds that you know of? 

  • Yes! This is really frustrating

  • The workaround I'm using is to copy and paste the workout in TP and split it manually. I prefix the title with pt1, pt2 etc... It's not great but it works. Even figuring out the number of steps is a pain as I haven't figured out a better way than syncing them to my Edge and doing a workout preview there  

  • I would like to see the the max steps increased also.  I'm trying to build a HIIT work out; five cycles of 7 sets with rest steps in between.... 

  • +1 - extremely frustrating indeed

  • Just to add some confusion - and possible good news - to the frustration...

    I created a workout on, carefully limiting it to 49 steps.  I loaded it to my Edge and the preview graph shows the full workout -  3 sets of 6 efforts (36 steps) plus more steps for rests between sets, warm up, and cool down.  Here's the confusing thing.  On the Edge screen it says 20 steps.  I wonder if this means that the Edge has gained the ability to treat repeated intervals in a smarter way?

    I created a version with twice the efforts and half the duration, closer to HIIT.  It also loads and still says 20 steps.  I won't be attempting it until tomorrow, but I'll try to report back.

    Wouldn't it be nice if this was explained in the online documentation?

  • The guys over at TrainerRoad notes the latest API they use currently allows for more than 50 steps within a workout. 

    Clearly devices are able to handle more than 50 so unsure why Garmin has not removed the limitation for workouts created within GarminConmect or transferred via other platforms. 

  • I am not sure if TrainerRoad has some special API.  I have and we also have this 50-step limit.  MaybeTrainerRoad is referring to that 5X100% 2min 50% 1min (lets call it interval group). This is10-intervals (steps) but only counted as 1 against the 50?  We are now running into lower limits like 42-steps but it might have to do with these interval groups.  I agree these limits are very low.