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Why are swim workouts not supported in the API?

Come on Garmin; get it together.  Why are swimming and strength workouts the red-headed step children of activity types?  From Training Peaks:

Your workouts built with the Structured Workout Builder should sync to your Garmin Connect account. Once your workouts are in Garmin Connect, they should sync to your Garmin device. However, please note, swim workouts and strength workouts are not exportable to Garmin devices at this time. This has to do with a limitation on the Garmin workout screen not working with either of those sport types. The current compatible workout types with the new Garmin Integration are Run, Bike, Cross-train, Mtn Bike, Custom, XC-Ski, Rowing, Other, and Walk.

I'm not sure what the demand for pre-planned cross country ski workouts are, but I have a difficult time believing it's more than swimming or strength training.  Looking at the training plans offered by Garmin Connect, I don't see any, but there are a lot that include swimming.  And nope - none of those come in either!  They show up as a note on your calendar and that's it.  My watch supports swimming.  Please get the supporting software caught up.

  • No; that's exactly what this post is about. It doesn't work and it seems to be Garmin causing the problem. For now you are stuck laboriously entering swim workouts manually line by line. It's a great system that Garmin is apparently proud of.

  • and it seems to be Garmin causing the problem.

    Actually not. From the post of , it seems to be clear that the structure was fixed already a long time ago. So, if  is right, then the excuses of Training Peaks are false since that time.

  • It may still be on Garmin's end since I don't have access to the API or its documentation to verify if it will accept a swim workout (you have to be approved as a developer to get that). For whatever reason Garmin could have chosen to restrict the API to only receiving certain types of workout files from third parties, but that doesn't make a lot of sense since their unofficial API does support sending swim workouts via POSTing a JSON file to the workout service and the fit file SDK clearly includes information on how to format a swim workout. Without access to the official API though It's hard to tell who exactly is the limiting factor here, Garmin or Training Peaks.

    Strength training is another issue entirely since at least the last time I looked at the fit file sdk that was not part of the public sdk and was instead a private extension to the format by Garmin, but that could have changed since then.

    One additional thought, if Training Peaks gives you the option to export the swim workouts as fit files you could add them to your device directly instead of having to recreate the workout in Connect.

  • it seems to be clear that the structure was fixed already a long time ago

    I'm just not sure about that.  I'm not aware of any service (Garmin, Training Peaks, or otherwise) that will take swim workouts from a scheduled plan and plop them on the calendar as workouts.  I feel like if the API supported seamlessly it somebody would use it.

  • Truth be told; I don't really care about the strength workouts, but that's interesting information that they are a separate type of thing.

    Like you, I have built up swim workouts on Connect using the web interface.  Once they're in Connect that way thy can be scheduled and set to me watch just like any other workout.  The functionality works great.  I really like have the steps of my workout there on the watch prompting me along in the pool.

    That's a great idea to export from TP and send directly to the watch.  I'll have to check that out.

  • Any way to upvote this? It would be great to get Garmin's attention on this matter.

  • I tried "other" category, hasn't worked either...