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Distance/KMS not adding to my Gear

I have my shoes added properly as gear, and it has been adding properly the KMS I ran all along until about 4 days ago. When I look at the activities it is recording that correctly, but unfortunately the kms are not adding to my distance. Any ideas?
  • Gear summary widget says 338 activities (and total mileage for these), the "full page" for the gear also says 338 activities, if I click on the link for these activities and cut and paste them all somewhere handy, I find that there are actually 341 activities in the list, and the total mileage is more. The counter is stuck at 338 activities and the mileage for these 338 activities. The 338th activity was on 3rd Sep, the additional activities are on 4th, 5th, 8th Sep.

    Edit : I'm new here, as you can tell by my massive number of posts, is there somewhere to tell Garmin about this issue / bug, or do they monitor the troubleshooting forum ?
  • I'm having the same issue - mileage hasn't increased in a few days now. These are shoes that have over 120 activities assigned to them already. The activities show up in the list, but the number of activities and total miles hasn't changed. I'm getting close to my max mileage on these shoes and I keep checking so I can retire them and move to the new pair I've been rotating in. Hope the issue gets fixed soon.
  • Ok, here's what I did to fix this - I tallied up my workouts and figured out which one was the first one that didn't count. I went into that workout and removed the shoe... than I went back in and added it. This corrected that workout and all subsequent missed ones and now my tally of workouts and mileage is correct. Not sure what happened a few days ago, but hopefully it's working now.
  • Nice tip, it sort-of worked for me - the mileage is now correct, but the activity count is wrong by +1. Guess I can live with that. As long as it increments properly from now on.
  • As long as it increments properly from now on.
    Quoting myself. And ... it doesn't. Now stuck on 342 activities, one more than the number contributing to the mileage (so the mileage is for 341 activities), i.e. the stats are the same as yesterday's, and today's data didn't get added. How annoying.
  • I think the mileage summary gets updated with a delay sometimes. Yesterday I uploaded an activity which caused adding some default gear to it. When I looked at the summary for that piece of gear I noticed that all the activities are on the list (5 activities), but the summary showed only 4, and the total mileage was 12 km short (mileage from last activity missing). But when I checked it again today everything seemed to be in order, without any intervention from my side.
  • Add me to the list... i can not completly explain what is wrong. But it seem to have started just recently.
    I added a new Bike and changed it to the default gear. I noticed that there were 2 activities listed in gear summary for this bike, but only the km from the first tour. So i removed the bike from the activity saved, added the bike and saved again. Now the 2 activities were listed and the km were summed up correct. Yesterday i did the next bike tour, and today 3 activities listed in the gear summary, but the km were missing again. (Manually deleted gear and reasigned again), this is not a real workaround and needs to be fixed. Justed checked my last run, and 10k did also not sum up on the shoes... equippment, iPhone 8+, iOS12 GM, lasted mobile connect, Fenix 5X+ 3.21
  • Ok, here's what I did to fix this - I tallied up my workouts and figured out which one was the first one that didn't count. I went into that workout and removed the shoe... than I went back in and added it. This corrected that workout and all subsequent missed ones and now my tally of workouts and mileage is correct. Not sure what happened a few days ago, but hopefully it's working now.

    FYI that this worked for me - thanks for the tip!

    (I saw your followup message that it's a one-time thing - will go for a ride tonight and see what happens).

    Adam (signed up to say thanks!)