Garmin Connect Badges Not Being Awarded

Former Member
Former Member

Thank you for the ongoing discussion regarding the new badges. We have been following these discussions and are investigating why some badges have not been awarded as expected.

We have created this thread to track reports of badges not displaying in accounts. Please post here if you did not receive a badge as expected, and provide:

  • Badge Type
  • Link to the activity (Privacy set to Everyone)
  • Any other details (such as social media platform you shared an activity to or linked your account with)
  • Do we have permission to view your account data while investigating this issue through our Administrative Tools (Yes/No)?

If you have previously posted about a badge not being awarded, thank you for doing so and there is no need to post again about that specific badge. We are investigating each of those reports and will reach out with any new information individually. We request that posts in this thread be saved for NEW reports of badges not being awarded to aid us in tracking these appropriately.

Thank you for the continued discussion and your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

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06/19/2018: A new update has been posted here.

  • The walking stats didn't update until I then shared that and it did, so all fixed Slight smile

  • This just solved it for me, I didn’t actually need to share it, switching the privacy to public rather than only my connections fixed things. All my other activities are shared only with my connections but contribute perfectly fine to badges so it seems it’s a bug with the running activity at least.

    Thanks for the helpful post @Andibrox

  • I've uploaded some GPX biking activities that met the requirements but haven't received any badges for them. Is this a bug or do I need to modify the activity after uploading?

  • All actvitities must be logged with a Garmin device. Which device is it logged with according to Garmin Connect?

    Easiest is that you make the activity public and then share the link here so we can take a look at it.

  • I recorded it on a cell phone GPX app

  • Which badge do you want for that activity? It should at least get the 100-Mile Ride badge and that one is repeatable so it doesn't matter if you already got it.

    I wonder how badges work with uploaded GPX files. I haven't tested with TCX and GPX files in a long time.

  • Yes the 100 mile badge should be awarded I thought. 

    I have many other activities as GPX files I've done over the years that I've uploaded without any badges either so it's annoying.

    Personal records don't take into account uploaded activities either.

  • I've done a number of tests now and I can't get a GPX file to be counted for badges. I also converted the GPX to a TCX and FIT file, but still didn't get the badge. When I instead used the original TCX or FIT file I got the badge right away.

    GPX files doesn't contain any device info (as far as I can see) so they can't be used.

    TCX files work. I found out why it didn't work in my first tests. The UnitId tag had to be set to something else than 0 in the Creator tag.

    What I did:

    I took the GPX and ran it through and selected to create a TCX file and set a Garmin device as creator. Then in the downloaded TCX file I changed the Creator->UnitId to something other than 0. I used 1234567. Then I uploaded it to Garmin Connect and got the badge.

  • Why is Environment Day 2024 badge only available in Asian countries when its a world event?

  • I asked the same question last year. about another of the "world/international badges: It seems that the APAC division of Garmin is more interested in making badges than the other Garmin offices, such as USA, EU, etc. It is also interesting that APAC countries have "independence day" badges while the home office in the USA cannot get one issued. All of which have nothing to do with excersing, so most people don't care and this post will be flamed like all the others about various badges and the system in general.