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New Badges

I quite like the new badges, although losing sight of my step badges is annoying. I do note that the badges are very heavily weighted towards stepping, running and cycling. Where are all the swimming badges? I would have thought that some of the usual open water and pool swim distances would be worthy of a badge. Come on Garmin...there's a badge for a drone activity but not for a 1 mile swim? Not convinced that flying a drone does much for your fitness.
  • Where do you find these?

  • Where do you find these?

    As soon as they open the Challenges (usually a day or two before the starting date of the respective Challenge), you'll see the Badges on the Badges page, in the Available tab of the category Challenges. And you can join the challenges on the Challenges page (once they are open).

  • I'm pretty they were asking where you find challenges for the next month (August), which are NOT currently in the 'available' section of badges, nor are they currently joinable in challenges.

  • I'm pretty they were asking where you find challenges for the next month (August), which are NOT currently

    And that's exactly what I answered, if you read my post carefully enough Slight smile And it is written in the original post, in fact, too - note the phrase "will be available in August"

  • Thanks!  However, the August challenges are not showing up in my Available Badges yet (I just checked.) Some of the July challenges that start this weekend are not showing up yet either (eg. 4 hours of walking and biking.)  

    I see people post upcoming badges and challenges, but I cannot find them myself.  Not a huge deal, just curious.    

  • the August challenges are not showing up in my Available Badges yet (I just checked.)

    Hm, you did not see the previous three posts (+the original one)? In all of them it is written that the badges will be available in August. We are still in July. Is it really written so incomprehensibly?

  • Yes, I did see that.  I understand how a calendar works. I know that intent and understanding get skewed in a forum at times. 

    You appear to have access to a listing of upcoming challenges and badges that I do not.  I followed your "instructions" and I cannot find any upcoming challenges or events for August (besides what you post here) much less the rest of the July challenges. 

    I appreciate you posting updates.  Thanks!

  • You appear to have access to a listing of upcoming challenges and badges that I do not.

    As I wrote, the badges will be shown only once the Challenges are open. And I also wrote it typically happens a day or two before the Challenge starting day (and the starting dates are noted in the initial post).

    For the moment you can find the new badges only if you look at the source data files in JSON or other data formats, with DevTools of the browser, (i.e. in this file) which is what I do, up and then. This is why I publish them here, because not everyone will be checking it.

  • For the moment you can find the new badges only if you look at the source data files in JSON or other data formats, with DevTools of the browser, (i.e. in this file) which is what I do, up and then. This is why I publish them here, because not everyone will be checking it.

    ^^this^^ is what I was asking.  

    I know how and where to find badges and challenges on the app and the website.  However I don't know how to look under the hood of the page to see the code that spells out what you are provided the board.

    Thanks for clarifying!

  • here you go: Keep an eye there for changes, usually new ones are added at the bottom.