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Getting weight measurements INTO Garmin Connect - 3 ways only?

As far as i can tell there are only 3 ways to get your weight measurement into Garmin Connect:

1. Input it in manually.
2. Buy a Garmin scale and stand on it.
3. Get your weight into myfitnesspal then connect it to Garmin to sync automatically.

Does anyone have any other ways to sync weight measurements INTO Garmin's ecosystem?

[Aside: I record my weight with a Withings/Nokia scale and sync it with myfitnesspal. But for other reasons i don't want Garmin and myfitnesspal connected (crazy high step calories from my 735XT syncing across and screwing up my daily calorie goals). I can easily get my weight into other services, but Garmin ONLY seems to take input from the 3 options above. Note iOS Health sync is a total failure as well.]

  • Interesting. When I posted this before both the web and Android app were showing me only weight and BMI. Android has since updated to show me everything else. Still only seeing weight and BMI on the web though. So my screens now look identical to yours.
  • Just to update this thread, I've been in touch with a Garmin support rep about once every 2 weeks since I initially submitted my bug report in December... I've been told several times that the issue is in queue, but there has been no progress as far as I can tell. I will continue to follow up on this issue, and might restart the process with a new support representative.

    ****** UPDATE *******
    I received a response today after I had already made this post. It reads:

    "Patrick – Looking into the numerous issues that are being presented by the scale coupled with the issues we are having with the Garmin Connect program and application, the ETA on resolution is scheduled for early March. This should include the fixes for the scale. I hope this information is helpful."

  • Hi renschler, Your app looks really cool, considering Garmin will get a fix out soon. Unfortunately I have a Beurer (BF700) scale. Do you have any plans to use different sources, eg Apple Health(my Beurer can automatically sync data (eg. weight, BMI, etc.) to Apple Health.
  • big thanks to everyone who is using my app! I really appreciate your patronage - and so far no negative experiences - knock on wood.

    Jimte The garmin fix is just for the web application, things are already working in the mobile app, I can see all my weight metrics there (body fat / body water / bone mass / muscle mass / BMI / loss or gain).

    I'll add apple health to the queue, you can create an account without a subscription and if I ever build it you will get an email. Also, if your Beurer scale syncs with Fitbit you should be able to send your weight to Fitbit and then use my app to get it into garmin.
  • I can now see all weight metrics (body fat, muscle mass, bone mass, water %) in the garmin connect web app even though I don't have a Garmin Index Scale, so I think they finally patched that bug. Would be interesting to hear if others can see the data also.

  • renschler,

    Good Day!  I have just purchased the Withings Body Cardio scale and would be interested in exporting the data into my garmin connect account.  is it possible that i can get a hold of the script?  How do I go about obtaining it?  

    Any script to export data into myzone app? 

  • Good Day!  I have just purchased the Withings Body Cardio scale and would be interested in exporting the data into my garmin connect account.  is it possible that i can get a hold of the script?  How do I go about obtaining it?  

    Any script to export data into myzone app? 

  • which scale do you have? my Withings Body + does sinc with myfitnesspal but myfitnesspal doesnt sinc with garmin or only everyother day. I also dont see any other measurements than weight

    how can i solve it please

  • Yes I'd be interested.

  • I'm finding that MFP My Fitness Pal (just like others have found) is NOT transferring the weight, just calories.  Apple Health also is not transferring.