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How to remove Golf in Garmin Connect?

I don't play any golf, if possible to remove it from Garmin Connect (web and Mobile)?

  • Is it possible that one of your activities sent by your fenix to Garmin Connect was sent with the activitiy type set as "golf" and that turned on all the golf stuff at Garmin Connect for you?

    Have you ever called Garmin Support and found out if they can do anything about it?
  • Is it possible that one of your activities sent by your fenix to Garmin Connect was sent with the activitiy type set as "golf" and that turned on all the golf stuff at Garmin Connect for you?

    Have you ever called Garmin Support and found out if they can do anything about it?

    Thanks for the ideas. I don't have any golf activities, I suspect just owning the fenix turned the options on.

    I didn't contact support, I'm not that concerned about it, just wondering if the menu could be customized.
  • If it's as annoying as you say, then I can't imagine all the other fenix users putting up with that. Have you asked in one of the fenix sub-forums to see if all the other fenix users get that too.

    Garmin doesn't offer a lot of customization. They like many other websites and software developers take the view that they will simplify everything for the masses. Sucks for those of us with different needs.
  • I never choose "golf" for activities and i have 3 golf things in the general menu... how can i remove them ??


  • maybe it is because I added a vivoactive but I don't remember all the silly golf entries in the menu before?

    will never ever need

    golf courses

    gold stats


    swing analysis

    (and for that matter "floors climbed" but that's not golf)

    golf isn't even checked under my profile, is there any way to remove all those useless entries?
  • I have no idea but I'd like to be able to do this as well. I don't care about Golf at all and it's cluttering the interface :(
  • yep, third this, golf is something that I view as quite a niche sport, dunno why it is featured so heavily?
  • I too have no interest in Golf and would love to be able to disable the display of this sport in Connect. It appears in quite a few places.

    In profiles you get a tab for golf lifetime profiles

    There are options in the menu;

    Also in the mobile app you can "download golf courses" from the menu.

    There's probably a few areas it pops up in too that I can't recall off the top of my head but the thing is there is a profile setting to choose "What I do..." so imo this should refine what is shown in the profile and other various views.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 8 years ago
    I have a Vivoactive HR for tracking sports activity. Why is the most predominant feature set about golf? I run, I bicycle, I ski, I skate... I don't golf, and if I did I'd only count it as walking.

    Golf is a good walk spoiled. --Mark Twain

    Is there any way to disable all Golf menu items so I don't have to scroll past them to do actual sports?
  • Remove Golf

    The only way I know how to do this is by using the Garmin Connect APP on my phone. On the app, at the top right hand corner there is an icon like the windows icon. Click on that and you can in-check what you don't want to see. Then click next and you can select what order. Click Save,

    Hope that helps.